!!Claire Callender - Selected Publications
1. Callender, C and Melis, G (2022) The privilege of choice: how prospective college students’ financial concerns influence their choice of higher education institution and subject of study in England.  The Journal of Higher Education 93:3, 477-501, [https://doi.org/10.1080/00221546.2021.1996169] \\
2. Boatman, A., Callender, C. & Evans, B. (2022). Comparing high school students' attitudes towards borrowing for higher education in England and the United States: Who are the most loan averse?. European Journal of Education, 57, 199– 217. [https://doi.org/10.1111/ejed.12499]\\
3. De Gayardon, A., Callender, C., & Desjardins, S. (2021). Does Student Loan Debt Structure Young People’s Housing Tenure? Evidence from England. Journal of Social Policy, 1-21. doi:10.1017/S004727942000077X\\
4. Lewis, G., McCloud, T., and Callender, C. (2021) Higher education and mental health: analyses of the LSYPE cohorts, Research Report Ref: RR1142, London: Department for Education  [https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/996975/Higher_education_and_mental_health__analyses_of_the_LSYPE_cohorts.pdf]\\
5. Callender, C., Locke, W., and Marginson, S. (eds) (2020) Changing Higher Education for a Changing World . London:Bloomsbury Publishing ISBN 9781350108417\\
6. Kevin J. Dougherty & Claire Callender (2020) Comparing and learning from English and American higher education access and completion policies, Policy Reviews in Higher Education, 4:2, 203-227, DOI: 10.1080/23322969.2020.1737959\\
7. de Gayardon, A., Callender, C., and Green, F. (2019) The determinants of student loan take-up in England, Higher Education, 78 :965–983 [https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-019-00381-9]\\
8. Callender, C and Dougherty, K. (2018) Student Choice in Higher Education—Reducing or Reproducing Social Inequalities? Social Science, 7:10:1-28; doi:10.3390/socsci7100189\\
9. Callender, C and Thompson, J. (2018) The lost part-timers:The Decline of part-time undergraduate higher education in England, London: Sutton Trust\\
10. Callender, C and Mason, G. (2017)  Does student loan debt deter higher education participation? New evidence from England  The Annals of American Political and Social Science,  671 (1): 20-48 DOI: 10.1177/0002716217696041\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit ccallender}][{ALLOW upload ccallender}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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