!!Michele Calella - Biography
Michele Calella, born in Taranto/Italy, studied piano in his native city and Bari and musicology in Cremona, Regensburg and Münster where he took the doctorate in 1997 with a dissertation on the Tragédie lyrique. He was appointed assistant lecturer at the universities of Marburg and Zurich where he completed his Habilitation with a study on musical authorship. In 2004 he was awarded the Hermann-Abert-Preis of the Gesellschaft für Musikforschung. The following year he became professor of musicology at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, in 2010 he was appointed professor of historical musicology at the University of Vienna.\\
[Full CV and publication List|https://musikwissenschaft.univie.ac.at/ueber-uns/team/calella]\\ \\