!!Yvonne Buckley - Curriculum Vitae
*2002  PhD, Biological Sciences, Imperial College London, UK.\\
*1997  B.A. (hons) 1st class, Biology, Oxford University, UK\\
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Primary supervisor of 11 completed PhDs, 1 Research Master student &18 postdocs, 2 current PhDs. Secondary supervisor of 10 completed PhDs, 4 current PhD students and one Research Masters student. \\
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Theoretical, Field and General Ecology, undergraduate and postgraduate Statistics for Biologists, Biodiversity, Plant-Animal Interactions, cross-disciplinary teaching on sustainability, climate and biodiversity.\\
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2023 Chair of organising committee, 3rd Ecology & Evolution Ireland, ca. 250 participants, Ireland\\
*2017 - 2021 Co-Director of Nature+: Trinity Centre for Biodiversity & Sustainable Nature-based Solutions, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland\\
*2014 - 2020  Head of the Discipline of Zoology (ca. 12 academic staff), Trinity College Dublin, Ireland\\
*British Ecological Society:  Council member & Trustee (2016 - 2017), Vice President & Member of Board (2021 - 2022), Chair of membership committee (2021 - 2022), Member of publications committee (2016 - 2019)\\
*Founding President of Irish Ecological Association (2015 - 2019)\\
*2019 - 2022 Senior Editor, Journal of Ecology (IF 5.76, top 10% of Ecology journals)\\
*2014 - present Coordinator, Research Network “Plantpopnet” (41 collaborators)\\
*2021 - 2022  Strategic Advisory Board Member research field Earth & Environment, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.\\
*2005 - 2020  Associate Editor PLoS Biology (2019 - 2020), Ecology Letters (2009-2016), Journal of Ecology, (2013 - 2020), People & Nature (2018 - 2020), Movement Ecology (2012 - 2015), Journal of Applied Ecology (2005 - 2013)\\
*2015 - 2022 Examiner for PhD student theses: Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Israel, Sweden, Australia, Finland, Ireland\\ \\