!!!Gro H. Brundtland
[{Image src='Gro_Harlem_Brundtland_PM_late.jpg' caption='' height='200' alt='Gro Harlem Brundtland'}]%%
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* Special Envoy on Climate Change for the United Nations Secretary-General
* Director General of the UN World Health Organization
* 1981, 1986 - 1989, 1990 - 1996 Prime Minister of Norway
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2008 the Thomas Jefferson Foundation Medal in Architecture
* Member of Human-Etisk Forbund
* Member of the Norwegian Humanist Association
* Member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
* Member of the Council of Women World Leaders
* Member of the Club of Madrid
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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Brundtland_Gro/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Brundtland_Gro/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Brundtland_Gro/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Brundtland_Gro/OtherInformation]

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