!!Gerd Brudermüller - Biography
Born in 1949 in Frankfurt on the Main. 1950-1965 in Milan. Studies of law and philosophy in Mannheim, Heidelberg and Munich. First and second legal state examination in 1973/1976. Attorney, judge since 1979, 1989-1994 delegation to the Ministry of Justice, 2005-2014 presiding judge at the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe. 2001-2013 Chairman of the Deutsche Familiengerichtstag (German family court conference), afterwards Honorary Chairman. Hearings and statements in legislative procedures concerning family law and before the Federal Constitutional Court. Speaker at the Deutsche Juristentag (Association of German Jurists) 2008 (Erfurt) and 2016 (Essen). Since 1994 Chairman of the Board of the Institut für angewandte Ethik (Institute of applied ethics). \\
Honorary professor at the University of Mannheim (since 2005). Honorary doctorate from the University Basel (2008). Adviser to the Scientific Association for Family Law, member of the International Society of Family Law and other international associations. Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Salzburg). Member of the “Commission of Experts” of the German Federal Chancellor on the subject family. Commemorative publication „Familie – Recht – Ethik“ (Family – Law – Ethics), Beck Verlag, 2014. Honoured with the Cross of the Order of Merit (Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande). \\
Co-author of „Palandt“, commentary on the German Civil Code. Co-editor of „Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht“ (Family Law Journal), adviser forum family law. Publications on family law (in particular marital law and law regarding other partnerships, maintenance, law of property, domicile, proceedings) and legal ethics (justification of post-marital and relative maintenance).