!!Corin Braga - Biography
Corin Braga is a Romanian scholar and prose writer, born 1961 in Baia-Mare, Romania. He graduated from the Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Philology, in 1985. He has a PhD in Literature (from Babes-Bolyai University, Romania, 1997) and a PhD in Philosophy (from Université Jean Moulin, France, 2008). \\
He has been successively assistant professor, senior lecturer, associate professor and, from 2008, university professor and PhD director in comparative literature at the Faculty of Letters of the Babes-Bolyai University. From 2003 to 2007 he has been the Head of the Department of Comparative Literature, and from 2008 to the present the Dean of the Faculty of Letters. \\
He is also a Correspondent Member of the Academia de Ciencias de Buenos Aires, Argentina, the vice-president of the Romanian Association of General and Comparative Literature and the vice-president of CRI2i, the Centre de Recherches Internationales sur l’Imaginaire (https://www.ufrgs.br/cri2i/).\\
He is the director of Phantasma, the Center for Imagination Studies (phantasma.lett.ubbcluj.ro) in Cluj, of the academic journals Caietele Echinox (http://phantasma.lett.ubbcluj.ro/caietele-echinox/caietele-echinox-prezentare-generala/?lang=en) and Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Seria Philologia (http://studia.ubbcluj.ro/serii/philologia/), and of the book-collections Mundus Imaginalis (Dacia publishing house, Cluj) and Phantasma (Tracus Arte publishing house, Bucarest). \\
He has directed 6 team research grants, financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education and other international and national institutions. The last one is an ongoing project (2018-2020), ROMIMAG, the Encyclopedia of Romanian Imaginaries, comprising 5 volumes: Linguistic patrimony and imaginaries; Literary imaginaries; Historical imaginaries; Religious imaginaries; and Arts imaginairies.\\
He has published 11 volumes of literary studies; 5 volumes of prose; 4 translated volumes by Wilfred R. Bion, Andrew Samuels, Gilbert Durand, Philippe Walter; 62 papers and studies in collective volumes; and 231 studies, essays, papers published in the reviews Apostrof, Archaeus, Bachelardiana (France), Cahiers roumains d’études littéraires, Caietele Echinox, Clouds Magazine (SUA), Contrafort (Moldova), El imaginario en el mito clasico (Argentina), Épistemocritique (France), Euphorion, Euresis, Graphé (France), Iris (France), Journal for the Studies of Religions and Ideologies, Metabasis (Italia), Monitor ZSA (Slovenia), Observator cultural, Philologia Jassyensia, Poli-femo (Italy), Revista de istorie si teorie literară, România literară, Steaua, Studia Asiatica, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Symbolon, Synergies, Transdisciplinary Studies, Transilvania, Transylvanian Review, Tribuna, Les Valenciennes (France),  Xenopoliana.\\
He has organized or was a member in the organizing committees of 21 international and Romanian congresses and conferences, and has presented more than 150 papers in different conferences and colloquia. \\
He has several professional affiliations to different international and Romanian professional and cultural institutions, such as the Writers’ Union of Romania and the Romanian PEN Club, and is a member of several advisory boards of French, Italian and Romanian academic reviews and book collections. \\
He received a series of prizes and awards for his books of literary criticism and of narrative.\\ \\