!!François R. Bouchet - Curriculum Vitae
__Directeur de recherches émérite, CNRS & Sorbonne Université, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris__\\
*Engineer Diploma of the "École Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielle", Paris (1980)\\
*Master in Theoretical Physics, Paris VI University, France (1980)\\
* Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, Paris VI (1983) ''Growth of Primordial Fluctuations and Distribution of Galaxies''\\
*"Habilitation à diriger des recherches" (1992) ''The large scale structures of the Universe''
410 publications: 301 refereed papers, 74 conference proceedings or lecture notes, and 35 reports and
other scientific publications (h-index = 125 according to ADS).\\
Advisor for 5 PhDs, Co-advisor for 7 PhDs\\
*Planck ESA Mission: “Deputy PI” of the international consortium who built the HFI cosmological instrument of Planck. \\
*Science Coordinator of the Planck-HFI consortium, since 1992 inception.\\
*Head (2001-2004) of the French Data Processing Center (DPC) of the Planck data\\
*Head (2005-2018) of the overall HFI instrument data processing \\
*Lead of various Planck-wide Working Groups, and scientific projects (in particular the central “Temperature and Polarization Power spectra and likelihood functions”, the most downloaded product of the collaboration.\\
*Head of the CMB/Planck team at IAP/CNRS in Paris (1992-2018)

*Member of numerous scientific Boards in France for various institutions\\
*Served in a number of international committees, for hiring director’s level positions at prestigious institutions in France and abroad, or for Institute review.\\ \\