!!Peer Bork - Selected Publications
Peer Bork has an  H-factor of 180 (google scholar, Feb 28, 2018) and has co-authored >570 scientific papers with >175.000 citations. >70 of these publications appeared in Nature, Science or Cell. According to ISI, the nominee is among the most highly cited researchers in life sciences (e.g. number 1 in Europe in Molecular Biology and Genetics during 1998-2016 or no. 3 worldwide in Biology/Biochemistry during 2002-2016, based on independent publications). 
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__The following publications reflect different aspects of work:__\\
1. Lander, ES et al. (2001) Nature 409, 860-921. Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome [[article]\\
(21762 citations: first of a series of high profile papers on metazoan genome analysis in which the nominee was heading bioinformatics analysis aspects in large sequencing consortia) \\
2. Von Mering, C., Krause, R., Snel, B., Oliver, S.G., Fields, S. and Bork, P. (2002) Nature 417, 399-403. Comparative assessment of large-scale datasets of protein interactions [[analysis article]\\
(2443 citations:  This first comparative protein interaction network analysis opened a new field)\\
3. Ciccarelli, F.D.,* Doerks, T.*, von Mering, C., Creevey, C.J., Snel, B. and Bork, P. (2006) Science 311, 1283-1287. Towards automatic reconstruction of a highly resolved tree of life\\
(1289 citations:  An unbiased, marker gene-based phylogenetic approach that revealed a robust tree of life that has been used as reference in various applications)\\
4. Campillos, M.*, Kuhn, M.*, Gavin, A.-C., Jensen, L.J. and Bork,P. (2008) Science 321, 263-266. Drug target identification using side-effect similarity\\
(886  citations: A conceptual breakthrough in that molecular drug targets can be predicted from phenotypic side effect data implying new usages for old drugs )\\
5. Kuehner S.*, van Noort, V.* (21 authors)..Bork, P.* and Gavin, A.C.* Science 326, 1235-1240. Proteome organization in a genome-reduced bacterium [[article]\\
(421 citations: One of a trio of papers in that  issue that describes a multi-group effort, initiated by the nominee, to establish a minimal model  for cellular systems biology revealing unexpected complexity of bacteria)\\
6. Arumugam, M.*, Raes J.* … (37 authors) ... METAHI consortium, Weissenbach, J., Ehrlich, S.D.# and Bork, P.# (2011) Nature 473, 174-180. Enterotypes of the human gut microbiome [[article]\\
(3296  citations: Discovery of stratification of human microbiota independent of ethnicity, gender, age or body mass index; the concept of community types has later been also shown for other body sites)\\
7. Schloissnig, S.*, Arumugam, M.*, Sunagawa, S.*, Mitreva, M., Tap, J., Zhu, A., Waller, A., Mende, D.R., Kultima, J.R., Martin, J., Kota, K., Sunyaev, S.R., Weinstock, G.M.# and Bork, P.# (2013) Nature 493, 45-50. Genomic variation landscape of the human gut microbiome [[article]\\
(365 citations: First large-scale metagenome analysis at residue level, proof of principle for strain analysis in microbiomics.\\
8. Sungawa, S. ... ( 47 authors)... and Bork, P. (2015) Science 348, doi: 10.1126/science.1261359.  Structure and function of the global ocean microbiome [[article]\\
(370 citations:  first large-scale metagenome analysis of bacteria in the ocean as one of 5 research articles in that issue of the TARA oceans expedition, co-coordinated by the nominee)\\
9. Forslund, K.*, Hildebrand, F. * ...(24 authors)... Bork, P.# and Pedersen, O.# (2015) Nature 528, 262-266. Disentangling type 2 diabetes and metformin treatment signatures in the human gut microbiota.\\
(306 citations: Identification of a drug as confounder of metagenome-disease associations, triggering the inclusion of co-variate analysis in microbiome studies)\\
10. Li, S.S., Zhu, A., Benes, V., Costea, P.I., Hercog, R., Hildebrand, F., Huerta-Cepas, J., Nieuwdorp, M., Salojärvi, J., Voigt, A.Y., Zeller, .G, Sunagawa, S., de Vos, W.M. and Bork, P. (2016) Science 352, 586-589. Durable coexistence of donor and recipient strains after fecal microbiota transplantation.\\
(140 citations: Strain level analysis reveals insights into neo-colonization of the human gut)\\
11. Maier, L.*, Pruteano, M.*, Kuhn, M.*, Zeller, G.#, Telzerov, A., Gontao Brochardo, A.R., Fernandez, K.C., Mori, H., Patil, K.#, Bork, P.# and Typas, N.# (2018) Nature 555, 623-628  Extensive impact of non-antibiotic drugs on human gut bacteria [[article]\\
(Quantification of the vast impact of medication on the human gut microbiome, which causes numerous side effects)\\
12. Schmidt, T.S.B., Raes, J.# and Bork, P.# (2018) Cell 172, 1198-1215. The Human Gut Microbiome: From Association to Modulation.\\
13. Bahram, M.*, Hildebrandt, F. Forslund, S.K., Anderson, J.L., Soudzilovskaia, N.A., Bodegom, P.M., Bengtsson-Palme, J., Anslan, S., Coelho, L.P., Harend, H., Huerta-Cepas, J., Medema, M.H., Maltz, M.R, Mundra, S., Olsson, P.A., Pent, M., Põlme, S., Sunagawa, S., Ryberg, M., Tedersoo, L.# and Bork, P.# (2018)\\
Nature 560, 233-23. Structure and function of the global topsoil microbiome.