!!Enrica Bordignon - Curriculum Vitae
*01.2000 - 02.2003 Ph. D. in Chemistry, University of Padova, Italy\\
*10.1995 - 12.1999 M. Sc. in Chemistry (110/110 Summa cum Laude), University of Padova, Italy \\
*UNIGE Master course: Spectroscopic methods in physical chemistry, Physical Chemistry of polymers and biomacromolecules. Bachelor courses: PCI, PCIII, TP general chemistry I\\
*RUB Bachelor course: Allgemeine Chemie. Master courses: Fundamentals of Magnetic Resonance, Biophysical Chemistry I, Biophysical Chemistry II, Lecture series in Biomolecular Chemistry \\
*FU Berlin Master courses: Modern Methods in Experimental Physics; Selected Topics in Physics\\
*ETH Zürich Bachelor courses: Exercises for physical chemistry IV, Exercises for physical chemistry I\\
*FU Berlin Guest Professor at the Dept. of Physics (WS 2011-2012) in the frame of the ‘Berliner Chancengleichheitsprogramms’. Master course: ‘Advanced EPR in biophysics: site-directed spin labeling’
*Reviewer for scientific journals, including Nature Communication, Nature Chemical Biology, PNAS, Angewandte Chemie, Chemistry A European Journal, Biophysical Journal, Journal of Magnetic Resonance \\
*Reviewer for DFG projects, SFB, ‘Großgeräte’ Instrumentation \\
*RESOLV PI and Speaker of the Gender Board from 2017 to 2021; organizer of the ‘Women and Science’ meeting 2019\\
*Member of the committee for FAIR Data Management in RESOLV \\
*Member of the organizing committee of Rocky Mountain Conference 2019 \\
*Organizer and teacher for the EPR Summer school in Berlin 2015 and in Geneve 2023 \\
*Responsible of the molecular biology S1 laboratory at ZEMOS, RUB \\
*Co-organizer of Les Houches-TSRC Workshop on Protein Dynamics editions 2018, 2021, 2022, 2024 https://sites.google.com/view/proteindynamics/ \\
*Member of the IEES society, AMPERE society, ISMAR Council \\
*Participant to the H.I.T. program 2023\\
*Vice Dean of the Faculty of Science of UNIGE (from 07.2023)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit ebordignon}][{ALLOW upload ebordignon}][{ALLOW comment All}]