!!Ştefan Borbély - Publications
18 books published so far. Here is a relevant selection: De la Herakles la Eulenspiegel. Eroicul (From Herakles to Eulenspiegel. The Hero, 2001; 2nd ed. in 2013);  Matei Călinescu. Monografie (Matei Calinescu. A monography, 2003); , Proza fantastică a lui Mircea Eliade. Complexul gnostic (Mircea Eliade’s Fantastic Fiction. The Gnostic Complex, 2003), Mitologie generală I (General Mythology, I, 2004), Despre Thomas Mann si alte eseuri (On Thomas Mann and other Essays, 2005); Pornind de la Nietzsche (Starting from Nietzsche, 2010); Civilizaţii de sticlă. Utopie, distopie, urbanism (Glass Civilizations. Utopia, Dystopia, Urban Planning, 2013), Eseuri biblice (Biblical Essays, 2015), Simetrii şi discrepanţe (Symmetries and Discrepancies, 2017) Redivivus, 2020. \\
More than 800 research papers, studies and articles published so far. Here is a relevant international selection: “Religion and Transition in Post-Communist Romania”, în vol. Culture of the Time of Transformation. IInd International Congress. The Cultural Identity of the Central-Eastern Europe. WIS Publishers. The Association of Historians of Art. Poznan (Polonia) 1999\\
The Facts on File Companion to the World Novel, ed. Michael D. Sollars & Arbolina Llamas Jennings, vol. 1-2, Facts on File, New York, 2008 (Camil Petrescu; Mihail Sadoveanu; The Hatchet, Hermann Hesse, Demian, Siddhartha, The Glass Bead Game, Mircea Cartarescu, Narcissus and Goldmund)\\
Dinamica generazionale della letteratura rumena recente, în vol. Romania Culturale Oggi. Ed. Nicoleta Neşu, prefaţă de Luiza Valmarin, Bagatta libri, Roma, 2008. Sapienza Universita di Roma/Dipartamento di Studi Europei e interculturali/Quaderni di Romania Orientale, 2\\
The East European Scholar, in vol. Orientations. An Anthology of East European Travel Writing, ca 1550-2000. East looks West. Edited by Wendy Bracewell. CEU Press, 2009\\
Due romanzi di Florina Ilis, in vol. Il romanzo rumeno contemporaneo (1989-2010). Teorie e proposte di lettura, Bagatto Libri, Roma, 2010, 349 pag., a cura di Nicoleta Nesu, edizione italiana di Angela Tarantino, premessa di Luisa Valmarin, ISBN 9 788878 061828, pp. 103-113\\
Life as Form or As Energy in the Utopian Approach of the Enlightenment. A case study: The History of Rasselas, by Samuel Johnson. In: Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe. Editors: Marius Rotar, Adriana Teodorescu, Corina Rotar. Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2014, pp. 232-241, ISBN: 978-1-4438-5547\\
The Postmodern Teacher. An Introductory Intervention. Beliefs and Behaviours in Education and Culture. Proceedings of an International Conference. Filodiritto Publishers, Bologna, 2018, pp. 8-13\\
__Google Scholar Index:__ 4.1
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