!!Laurent Bopp - Curriculum Vitae
Laurent Bopp has got his PhD in 1998 at University Paris 6 and his habilitation in 2011.  He  is a specialist of the ocean carbon cycle and climate modeling. He had major contributions in the analyses of feedbacks between the carbon cycle and climate changes and on ocean acidification. His research interests covers a large range of spatial (from open to coastal ocean) and temporal (from deep time in the past to future climate) scales. He also investigated the relationship between dust cycle and ocean productivity and the impact of climate change on marine ecosystemes and fisheries. \\
__He has been in charge of modeling groups at LSCE:__
*2014-2016 : Head of "Thème Climat et Cycles" at  LSCE (70 persons) \\
*2010-2014 : Head of BIOMAC team at LSCE (12 persons) (2010-2014) \\
He contributed to several international and national research or evaluation pannels. \\
__Ongoing activities__
*Since 2013 : Member of IGBP/IMBER Scientific Steering Committee\\
*Since 2013 : Member of GEOTRACE  Data Managment Committee\\
*Since 2015 : Member of INSU-LEFE-CYBER Scientific Committee \\
*2005-2017 : Membre of several instances of IPSL (Scientific Committee, modeling pole, research LaBEX)\\
*Since 2015 : Membre of Fondation Prince Albert 2e  Scientific Committee\\
*Since 2015 : Member of Plateforme Océan-Climat Scientific Committee\\
__Past activities__
*2005 - 2008 : Member of IGBP/AIMES Scientific Steering Committee\\
*2009 - 2011 : Member of  INSU-SYSTER Scientific Committee \\
*2010 - 2012 : Member of ANR evaluation Committee (ANR Blanc & Jeune Chercheurs)\\
*2013 - 2016 : Membre of CNRS  Section 19 (evaluation).\\
*2009 - 2011 : Member of  CNU Section 37\\
__Strong involment in teaching:__
*2016 - present Professor  Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France  \\
*2015 - 2017 Lecture bachelor degree (Ecole Normale Supérieure)  \\
*2006 - 2010 Membre of Jury "Agrégation de Sciences de la Vie, de la Terre et de l’Univers."\\
*2005 - 2013 Lecture and responsability of modeling module for the SOLAS summer school\\
*2011 - 2017 Lecture for PhD as part of ED129 doctoral school (Paris VI / UVSQ), cours de M1/M2 (Paris VI, Paris XI)\\
*1998 - 2017 Cours/TD/TP to prepare students for "agrégation" and "capes" in SVT (PVI, ENS, Orsay) (equivalent bac + 4 and 5)\\
*1998 - 2001 Monitorat in  Physics and  Geosciences (UVSQ)\\ \\