!!Egon Boerger - Major Publications
1.	Berechenbarkeit, Komplexitaet, Logik. Eine Einfuehrung in Algorithmen, Sprachen und  Kalkuele unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung ihrer Komplexitaet. Verlag Vieweg, Braunschweig 1985  (1), 1986(2): pp. XVIII+469; 1992(3): pp. XVIII+499. Italian translation  Bollati Boringhieri, Torino  1989. English Translation Computability, Complexity, Logic in: Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, vol. 128, North- Holland, Amsterdam 1989, pp. XX+592.
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2.	The Classical Decision Problem (with E.Graedel and Y.Gurevich). Perspectives in Mathematical Logic, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg etc., 1997, pp. XII+482, ISBN 3-540-57073-X. Second printing in "Universitext",Springer-Verlag 2001, ISBN 3-540-42324-9.
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3.	 Java and the Java Virtual Machine: Definition, Verification, Validation (with R. Staerk and J. Schmid). Springer-Verlag (ISBN 3-540-42088-6) Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2001, pp.X+381+CD-ROM. Republished in 2003 in Springer's Textbook CD-ROM.    
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4.	Abstract State Machines. A Method for High-Level System Design and Analysis (with R. Staerk). Springer-Verlag (ISBN 3-540-00702-4) Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2003,pp.X+438+CD-ROM.
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5. Modeling Companion for Software Practitioners (with A. Raschke). Springer 2018
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6. The WAM - Definition and Compiler Correctness (with D. Rosenzweig).
Logic Programming: Formal Methods and Practical Applications, Elsevier Science
B.V./North-Holland, 1995, pp. 20--90
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7. Correctness of Compiling Occam to Transputer Code (with I. Durdanovic). The Computer Journal, Vol. 39, No.1, pp.52-92, 1996
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8.	The ASM Refinement Method. Formal Aspects of Computing, ISSN 0934-5043, 15:237-257, 2003
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9.	A High-Level Modular Definition of the Semantics of C\# ( with G. Fruja, V. Gervasi, R. Staerk). Theoretical Computer Science 336 (2005) 235-284
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10.	A High-Level Specification for Virtual Providers (with M. Altenhofen, A. Friesen, J. Lemcke). International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM) Vol.1, Issue 4, December 2006, 267-278
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11.	Construction and Analysis of Ground Models and their Refinements as a Foundation for Validating Computer Based  Systems. Formal Aspects of Computing (2007) 19: 225-241
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12.	Modularizing Theorems for Software Product Lines: The Jbook Case Study (with D. Batory). Journal of Universal Computer Science 14(12), 2008, pp. 2059-2082
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13. Modeling the .NET CLR Exception Handling Mechanism for a
Mathematical Analysis (with N. Fruja) Journal of Object Technology
5 (3), 2006, 5--34 
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14. Concurrent Abstract State Machines (with K.-D.Schewe) Acta Informatica 53 (5), 2016, 469–492