!!Alberto Bianco - Biography
Dr. Alberto Bianco graduated at the University of Padova and received his PhD in Chemistry in 1996 from the same University under the supervision of Claudio Toniolo. As a visiting scientist, he worked at the University of Lausanne in the group of Manfred Mutter, at the University of Tübingen (as an Alexander von Humboldt fellow) with Günther Jung, and the University of Padova with Gianfranco Scorrano. In 1998 he joined the CNRS in Strasbourg where he started his independent career becoming leader of the team “Therapeutic multifunctional carbon and 2d nanomaterials”. He has been visiting Professor at the University of Sassari in 2012 and 2014 and at Kyoto University in 2019. He has been also Fellow of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science in 2012 and 2015. He is currently First Class Research Director (DR1) at the CNRS in Strasbourg. He is co-author of more than 280 papers in leading chemistry and multidisciplinary journals. In 2017 he has been elected Fellow of the European Academy of Science and in 2019 he has obtained the CNRS Silver Medal. He serves on various advisory board of scientific journals, including Nanotechnology Reviews, Nanomaterials, Nanomedicine and Journal of Peptide Science. Since 2011 he is Editor of the journal CARBON. He has also several Institutional activities, comprising the deputy direction of CNRS Unit UPU3572, and he has organized several congresses. His research interests focus on the design of multifunctional carbon-based nanomaterials for therapy, diagnostics and imaging. In particular, he is developing new synthetic methods to design and prepare new materials with new functions combining therapeutic, targeting and imaging properties. These complex systems can be used for drug delivery. He is also interested to study the toxicity and degradation of the new materials, a fundamental step to validate their use for clinical applications.\\ \\