!!Marc Bezem - Selected Publications
Isomorphisms between HEO and HRO^E, ECF and ICF^E. Journal of Symbolic Logic 50:359-371, 1985.\\
Strongly majorizable functionals of finite type: a model for bar recursion containing discontinuous functionals. Journal of Symbolic Logic 50:652-660, 1985.\\
Compact and majorizable functionals of finite type. Journal of Symbolic Logic 54:271-280, 1989.\\
Characterizing termination of logic programs with level mappings. Proceedings NACLP:69-80, MIT Press, 1989.\\
Completeness of resolution revisited. Theoretical Computer Science 74:227-237, 1990.\\
Acyclic programs. New Generation Computing 9:335-363, 1991. (with K.R. Apt)\\
Strong termination of logic programs. Journal of Logic Programming 15(1&2):79-97, 1993.\\
Ramsey’s theorem and the pigeonhole principle in intuitionistic mathematics. Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2) 47:193-211, 1993. (with W. Veldman)\\
Invariants in process algebra with data. Proceedings CONCUR94, LNCS 836:401-416. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994. (with J.F. Groote) \\
A correctness proof of a one-bit sliding window protocol. British Computer Journal 37(4):289-307, 1994. Corrigendum in British Computer Journal 37(7):651. (with J.F. Groote)\\
Two finite specifications of a queue. Theoretical Computer Science, 177(2):487-507, 1997. (with A. Ponse)\\
On the computational content of the Axiom of Choice. Journal of Symbolic Logic 63(2):600-622, 1998. (with S. Berardi and T. Coquand)\\
Diagram techniques for confluence. Information and Computation 141(2):172-204, 1998. (with J.W. Klop and V. van Oostrom)\\
Automated proof construction in type theory using resolution. Journal of Automated Reasoning 29(3-4):253-275, 2003. (with D. Hendriks and H. de Nivelle)\\
Automating Coherent Logic. Proceedings LPAR-12, LNCS 3835:246-260, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005. (with T. Coquand)\\
On the mechanization of the proof of Hessenberg's Theorem in Coherent Logic. Journal of Automated Reasoning 40(1):61-85, 2008. (with D. Hendriks)\\
Exponential behaviour of the Butkovic-Zimmermann algorithm for solving two-sided linear systems in max-algebra. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156:3506-09, 2008. (+ R.N. & E.R.)\\
Hard problems in max-algebra, control theory, hypergraphs and other areas. Information Processing Letters 110(4):133-138, 2010. (with R. Nieuwenhuis and E. Rodriguez)\\
A Type System for Counting Instances of Software Components. Theoretical Computer Science 458:29-48, 2012. (with D. Hovland and H.A. Truong)\\
A Model of Type Theory in Cubical Sets. Proceedings TYPES 2013, LIPIcs 26:107-128, 2014. (with T. Coquand and S. Huber)\\
A Kripke Model for Simplicial Sets. Theoretical Computer Science 574:86-91, 2015. (with T. Coquand)\\
The Univalence Axiom in Cubical Sets. Journal of Automated Reasoning, [https://doi.org/10.1007/s10817-018-9472-6]. (with T. Coquand and S. Huber)\\
Syntactic Forcing Models for Coherent Logic. Indagationes Mathematicae, [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indag.2018.06.004]. (with U. Buchholtz and T. Coquand)\\
Term Rewriting Systems. Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science 55, Cambridge University Press, 2003. (with J.W. Klop and R.C. de Vrijer et al.) \\
[Complete list of publications|http://www.ii.uib.no/~bezem/publ.pdf]

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