!!Luca Benini
__Present and Past Positions__
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Full Professor at the University of Bologna. Visiting Faculty Position at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL). Since October 2009 he is Chief Architect of the Platform 2012 project in STMicroelectronics, Grenoble (FR).
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Luca Benini has held several positions in industry and academia. He became assistant professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering (DEIS) of the University of Bologna in 1998. He was promoted to associate professor in 2001. Since 2006 he is Full Professor of Electronics at the University of Bologna. In industry, he has been IC Architecture and CAD Engineer at Integrated Information Technology Inc. (USA) in 1994; in 1996 in he has been Senior Member of the R&D Staff at Synopsys Inc. (USA).  He has been Visiting and Consulting Researcher from 1997 to 2004 at Hewlett Packard Laboratories – Palo Alto (USA). In Academia, he has held a Visiting Professor position at Stanford University, Computer Systems Laboratories, from 1998 to 2005. In 2008-2009 he also has held a Consulting Professor position at the Belgian Interuniversity MicroElectronics Centre (IMEC).
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__Field of Scholarship__
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Luca Benini's research interests are in the design of systems for ambient intelligence, from multi-processor systems-on-chip/networks on chip to energy-efficient smart sensors and sensor networks. From there, his research interest have spread into the field of biochips for the recognition of biological molecules, and into bioinformatics for the elaboration of the resulting information and further into more advanced algorithms for in-silico biology.
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__Activity in the scientific community__
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Luca Benini has been General chair of the IEEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference (the largest European event in design technology) in 2009. He has been DATE Program chair in 2005. He has held executive positions (program chair, tutorial chair, etc. ) in several scientific events, including the Network-on-Chip Symposium (Program Chair 2010); the ACM Nano-net Conference (Program Chair 2006), the IEEE Brazilian Symposium of Circuits and Systems (Tutorial Chair 2006), the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low-Power Electronics and Design (Publicity Chair 2001-2003).  He has organized a number of workshops and focused technical events, such as the Dagstuhl Seminar on Power-Aware Computing Systems (2005, 2007) and the workshop on Power-Aware Real-Time Computing. 
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Luca Benini  is associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, the ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems and the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. He has also held guest editor positions for special issues on several international journals such as the  IEEE Transactions on VLSI System, and Integration, the VLSI Journal (Elsevier). He also has been member of the Technical Program Committee for a number of international conferences and symposia (DAC, ICCAD, DATE, ISLPED, CODES, CODES-ISSS, CASES, Computing Frontiers, ECRTS, DSD, GLS-VLSI, EMSOFT, among others).
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__Honours and Awards__
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Luca Benini co-authored best paper awards in the IEEE GLS-VLSI (2008) and the European Wireless Sensor Networks Conference (2008). Three of his papers have been selected for inclusion in the book: “Design Automation and Test in Europe - The Most Influential Papers of 10 Years” (Springer 2008). He has been twice elected Member of the Steering Board of ARTEMISIA, the European Association on Advanced Research & Technology for Embedded Intelligence and Systems. He is a Member of the Main Board of the European Design and Automation Association. He has been a Member of the MEDEA+ EDA roadmap committee and a Member of the Advisory group on Computing Systems of the IST Embedded Systems Unit of the European Commission. He became IEEE Fellow (2007) for contributions to design technologies for low power design of integrated circuits and systems.