!!Wolfgang Baumeister - Selected Publications
H-index (Google Scholar) 129\\
Steven A.C., Baumeister W., Johnson L.N., Perham R.N.: Molecular Biology of Assemblies and Machines, Garland Science, New York, (2016)\\
Baumeister W.: Cryo-electron tomography: A long journey to the inner space of cells, Cell, 185(15):2649-2652 (2022)\\
Pöge M., Mahamid J., Imanishi S.S., Plitzko J.M., Palczewski K., Baumeister W.: Determinants shaping the nanoscale architecture of the mouse rod outer segment, Elife: 10:e72817 (2021)\\
Erdmann P.S., Hou Z., Klumpe S., Khavnekar S., Beck F., Wilflling F., Plitzko J.M., Baumeister W.: In situ cryo-electron tomography reveals gradient organization of ribosome biogenesis in intact nucleoli, Nat. Commun., 12(1):5364 (2021)\\
Wilfling F., Lee C.W., Erdmann P.S., Zheng Y., Sherpa D., Jentsch S., Pfander B., Schulman B., Baumeister W.: A Selective Autophagy Pathway for Phase-Separated Endocytic Protein Deposits, Moll. Cell, 80(5):764-778 (2020)\\
Bäuerlein F.J.B., Fernández-Busnadiego R., Baumeister, W.: Investigating the Structure of Neurotoxic Protein Aggregates Inside Cells, Trends Cell Biol, 30(12):951-966 (2020)\\
Guo Q., Lehmer C., Martinez-Sanchez A., Rudack T., Beck F., Hartmann H., Perez-Berlanga M., Frottin F., Hipp M.S., Hartl F.U., Edbauer D., Baumeister W., Fernandez-Busnadiego R.: In Situ Structure of Neuronal C9orf72 Poly-GA Aggregates Reveals Proteasome Recruitment, Cell, 172(4):696-705.e12 (2018)\\
Bäuerlein F.J.B., Saha I., Mishra A., Kalemanov M., Martínez-Sánchez A., Klein R., Dudanova I., Hipp M.S., Hartl F.U., Baumeister W., Fernández-Busnadiego R.: In Situ Architecture and Cellular Interactions of PolyQ Inclusions, Cell., 171(1):179-187.e10 (2017)\\
Mahamid J., Pfeffer S., Schaffer M., Villa E., Danev R., Cuellar L.K., Förster F., Hyman A.A., Plitzko J.M., Baumeister W.: Visualizing the molecular sociology at the HeLa cell nuclear periphery, Science, 351(6276):969-72 (2016)\\
Asano S., Fukuda Y., Beck F., Aufderheide A., Förster F., Danev R., Baumeister W.: Proteasomes. A molecular census of 26S proteasomes in intact neurons, Science, 347(6220):439-42 (2015)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit wbaumeister}][{ALLOW upload wbaumeister}][{ALLOW comment All}]