!!Jan Baetens - Selected Publications
Baetens, J. (2010). Pour le roman-photo. Bruxelles: Les Impressions Nouvelles.\\
Baetens, J. (2008). La novellisation: du film au roman: lectures et analyses d'un genre hybride. Bruxelles: Impressions nouvelles.\\
Baetens, J. (2006). Hergé écrivain. Champs, Paris: Flammarion.\\
__Some recent book chapters:__
*“From screen to text: novelization, the hidden continent”, in Deborah Cartmell & Imelda Whelehan, Cambridge Companion to Literature on Screen, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 226-238/4\\
*“A Cultural Approach of Non-Narrative Graphic Novels: A Case Study from Flanders”, in Teaching the graphic novel, ed. Steve Tabachnick, New York, MLA, 2009, 281-287/1\\
*« Dominique Goblet: The Meaning of Form », in Michael Chaney, ed., Graphic Subjects, University of Wisconsin Press, 2011, 76-92\\
*« The Graphic Novel », in Cambridge History of the American Novel, ed. Leonardo Cassuto, Clare Virginia Eby and Benjamin Reiss, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011, 1137-1153\\
*« Reading Images with Words” (Jan Baetens & Steven Surdiacourt), in Margolis & L. Pauwels ed., Visual methodologies, Sage, 2012, 590-600
__Research articles__
*« Quelles pratiques pour quels enjeux ? », in Protée, vol. 32-2, 2004, pp. 59-66 /1\\
*“Novelization, a contaminated genre?”, in Critical Inquiry, vol. 32-1, 2005, 43-60 /7\\
*« The logic of extraction », History of Photography, vol. 29-1, 2005, 81-90 /-\\
*“Cultural studies after the cultural studies paradigm”, in Cultural Studies, vol. 19-1, 2005, 1-13 /16\\
*“Of Graphic Novels and Minor Cultures: the Fréon Collective”, in Yale French Studies, No 114, 2008, 95-114 /4\\
*« Graphic Novels: Literature Without Text? », in English Language Notes, vol. 46:2, 2008, 77-88 /4\\
*« Is a Photograph Worth a Thousand Films? », in Visual Studies vol. 24-2, 2009, 143-148 /2\\
*« Constraint’s Expanded Field: Novelization as an Example of Multiply Constrained Writing”, in Poetics Today, vol. 31-1, 2010, 51-79 /-\\
*“Abstraction in comics”, in SubStance, vol. 40-1, 2011, 94-113. /1\\
*“From black & white to colour and back: What does it mean (not) to use colour”, in College Literature vol. 38-3, 2011, 111-128. /-
*Baetens, J. (2005). Vivre sa vie: une novellisation en vers du film de Jean-Luc Godard. Impressions nouvelles, Paris, 2005.\\
*Baetens, J. (2005). Romans à contraintes. Faux titre: études de langue et litterature françaises, 256. Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2005.\\
*Baetens, J. (2004). Cent fois sur le métier. Traverses, Paris: Impressions nouvelles.
*Baetens, J., Masschelein, A. (2012). Benoît Peeters ou la photographie détachée. Revue des Sciences Humaines.\\
*Baetens, J. (2011). Temps mort, une écriture abstraite?. Formes Poétiques Contemporaines, 8, 151-160.\\
*Baetens, J., Van Gelder, H., Bleyen, M. (2011). Belgian photography: towards a minor photography. Image and Narrative, 12 (3), 71-80.\\
*Baetens, J. (2011). Etudes culturelles et études littéraires. Interférences Littéraires (6), 185-195.\\
*Baetens, J. (2011). Mon grand tour en sémiotique. Signata. Annales des sémiotiques/Annals of Semiotics (2), 153-164.\\
*Baetens, J. (2011). Abstraction in comics. SubStance: a Review of Theory and Literary Criticism, 40 (124), 94-113.\\
*Baetens, J. (2010). Pierre Alferi's "Allofiction": a poetics of the controlled skid. SubStance: a Review of Theory and Literary Criticism, 39 (3), 66-77.\\
*Baetens, J. (2010). Le poème-novellisation. Les Lettres Romanes (1/2), 119-128.