!!Anja Böckmann - Curriculum Vitae
*1986  Abitur Geschwister Scholl Schule Konstanz, Germany\\
*1989  Vordiplom (Bachelor) in Chemistry, TU Berlin, Germany\\
*1989 - 1990 ERASMUS Ecole Européenne des Hautes Etudes des Industries Chimiques, Strasbourg, France    \\
*1993  Diplom (Master) in Chemistry, TU Berlin, Germany\\
*1996  PhD in Chemistry, Université Paris XI Orsay, Paris, France\\
*2005  Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université de Lyon 1, France
*138 publications in international journals\\
*60 invited conferences\\
*19 contributed talks\\
*>200 posters
2005 – present  8 PhD theses, 8 master, 6 post-doc, 1 CR CNRS (2006-present), 2 IE CNRS (2011-present), 10 ko-referate ETH Zurich.\\
*2019-present            Editorial Board of Open Magnetic Resonance\\
*2018 - present Member of the grant evaluation committee of the French Aids and Hepatitis funding agency (ANRS)\\
*2016 - present Board Member of the graduate school Science & Health (EDISS)\\
*2015 - present Member of the steering committee of the LABEX ECOFECT\\
*2015 - present Editorial Board Journal of Biomolecular NMR \\
*2014 - present Board member AMPERE school of biological solid-state NMR \\
*2013 - present Associate Editor Structural Biology Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences\\
*2012 - present Vice president of the Groupement AMPERE (European magnetic resonance society) \\
*2010 - 2016  EUROMAR (European Magnetic Resonance Conference) Board member\\
*2009 - 2010  Member of grant evaluation committee Agence Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique (ANR)\\
*2008 - present Animateur Institut de Chimie de Lyon\\
*2007 - 2009 President of the French NMR society (GERM)\\
*Member of several professional organizations (American Society for the Advancement of Science, AMPERE society)\\
*Referee for numerous journals (over 80 reviews, including 13 in Angewandte Chemie)\\
*Referee for numerous funding institutions (ANR, Alzheimer Canada, AFI, HSFP, …)\\
*Several evaluation and appointment committees
*2019  Scientific committee Alpine NMR conference 2021\\
*2019  Scientific advisory board ICMRBS Boston 2020\\
*2017  Scientific Committee ICMRBS Dublin 2018, Ireland\\
*2017  Scientific Committee of the EUROMAR 2-7. July Warzaw, Poland\\
*2016   Organization of the AMPERE Biological Solid-State NMR School, Oct 9-14, Palma de Mallorca, Spain\\
*2014  Scientific committee of the EUROMAR, 29. June - 4. July 2014, Zurich, Switzerland\\
*2012  Organization of the CCPNMR workshop, 24-25. 08., Lyon France\\
*2012  Scientific committee of the EUROMAR, 1-5. July, Dublin, Ireland\\
*2012 Organization of a BioNMR workshop January 17-18, ETH Zurich\\
*2009  Organization of the XXIIth GERM Conference, March 9-13, Fréjus, France\\
*2008  Organization of the GERM Summer School, March 16-22, Cargese, France\\
*2007  Organization of the XXIth GERM Conference, March 25-30, Alénya, France\\
*2006  Organization of the XXth GERM Conference, 19 - 22 March Blankenberge, Belgium\\
*2002  Organization of the Vème Rencontre Rhône – Alpes de RMN, 27. June at the IBCP in Lyon\\ \\