!!Imre Bárány - Selected Publications
On a topological generalization of a theorem of Tverberg,  J. London Math. Soc. 23 (1981), (with S.B. Shlosman and A. Szucs)\\
A generalization of Caratheodory's theorem, Discrete Math., 40 (1982) \\
Computing the volume is difficult, Discrete Comp. Geom., 2 (1987), (with Z.  Furedi)\\
On the number of convex lattice polytopes, Geom. Functional Analysis, 2 (1992), (with A. M. Vershik)\\
Affine perimeter and limit shape,  J. reine und ang. Mathematik, 484 (1997) \\
Sylvester's question: the probability that n points are in convex position, Annals of Probability, 27 (2000), \\
A fractional Helly theorem for convex lattice sets, {\it Advances in Math.}, {\bf 174} (2003), 227-235,  (with J. Matousek)\\
Every point is critical, {\it Advances in Math., 235 (2013), (with J-I. Ito, C. Vilcu, T. Zamfirescu)\\
Curves in R^d intersecting every hyperplane at most d+1 times, J. European Math. Soc., 18 (2016),  (with J. Matousek and A. Por)\\
Theorems of Caratheodory, Helly, and Tverberg without dimension, Discrete Comp. Geom., 64 (2020),  (with K. A. Adiprasito, N. Mustafa, and T. Terpai)\\
More than170 publications\\
h-factor 43, number of citations 6059 total and 1910 since 2016 (according to Google scholar)