!!David Arnold

__[Obituary|https://www.brighton.ac.uk/about-us/news-and-events/news/2016/11-10-professor-david-arnold-1951-2016.aspx]__, University of Brighton


David Arnold has helped to pioneer the field of Digital Cultural heritage in Europe. He is currently Head of Cultural Informatics Research Group at Brighton University which supports 7 staff involved in regional, national and international research collaborators, museums and cultural organisations. The Group has been awarded ~£3.5M of research income since 2004 and ~ £12.5M of partner research funds coordinated. Arnold has personally held ~£6.2M in research grants which have included significant EU programmes such as 3D-COFORM, CHIRON, EPOCH and CHARISMATIC. Arnold is currently Dean of the Brighton Doctoral College and Co-Director of the EPSRC-funded Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Science and Engineering for Arts, Heritage and Archaeology. Arnold has given keynote presentations on Cultural Heritage at international venues including the Bureau of the European Association for Historic Towns and Regions (04-). He was a panel member in the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014) and been active as a peer reviewer of research. He has held two previous positions as Dean of Faculty — of Management and Information Sciences and Information Systems.