!!Varinder Aggarwal - Selected Publications
1: ‘Carbopalladation of C–C σ-bonds enabled by strained boronate complexes,’ A. Fawcett, T. Biberger, V. K. Aggarwal, Nat. Chem., 2019, 11, 117-122. Highlighted in C&E News, Nat. Chem., OPRD     \\
[[24 citations]\\
2: ‘Synergy of synthesis, computation and NMR reveals correct baulamycin structures.’ J. Wu, P. Lorenzo, S. Zhong, M. Ali, C. P. Butts, E. L. Myers, V. K. Aggarwal. Nature, 2017, 547, 436–440. DOI: 10.1038/nature23265. Highlighted in News & Views, Viewpoint, Biochemistry, 2017, 56, 6177–6178, Highlight in C&EN, Highlight on Phys.org, Highlight in Chemistry World, Highlight on X-Mol ,      \\
[[44 citations]\\
3: ‘Iterative assembly line synthesis of polypropionates with full stereocontrol.” T. Bootwicha, J. M. Feilner, E. L. Myers, V. K. Aggarwal. Nat. Chem., 2017, 9, 896-902.\\
[[25 citations]\\
4: ‘Photoinduced decarboxylative borylation of carboxylic acids.’ A. Fawcett, J. Pradeilles, Y. Wang, T. Mutsuga, E. L. Myers, V. K. Aggarwal. Science, 2017, 357, 283–286.             \\
[[147 citations]\\
5: ‘‘Toward Ideality: The Synthesis of (+)-Kalkitoxin and (+)-Hydroxyphthioceranic Acid by Assembly-Line Synthesis,’ S. Balieu, G. E. Hallett, M. Burns, T. Bootwicha, J. Studley, V. K. Aggarwal, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 4398-4403. Cover of JACS, JACS Spotlight.\\
[[75 citations]\\
6: ‘Synthesis of Hydroxyphthioceranic Acid Using a Traceless Lithiation-Borylation-Protodeboronation Strategy’, R. Rasappan, V. K. Aggarwal, Nature Chem., 2014, 6, 810–814.  Highlight in Synfacts \\
[[52 citations]\\
7: ‘Assembly-line synthesis of organic molecules with tailored shapes’: M. Burns, S. Essafi, J. R. Bame, S. P. Bull, M. P. Webster, S. Balieu, J. W. Dale, C. P. Butts, J. N. Harvey, V. K. Aggarwal, Nature, 2014, 513, 183–188. Highlighted in C&E News, Chemistry World, Phys. Org. and Chem. Eng. Prog.        \\
[[151 citations]\\
8: ‘Enantiospecific sp2-sp3 coupling of secondary and tertiary boronic esters’, A. Bonet, M. Odachowski, D. Leonori, S. Essafi, V. K. Aggarwal, Nature Chem. 2014, 6, 584–589. Highlighted in C&E News, Chemistry World, and Synfacts                  
[[174 citation]\\
9: ‘Stereocontrolled organocatalytic synthesis of prostaglandin PGF2a in seven steps’, G. Coulthard, W. Erb, V. K. Aggarwal, Nature, 2012, 489, 278–281. Highlighted in C&E News, Chemistry World, Chem. Ind., and Chemical Engineering Progress        \\
[[73 citations]]\\
10: ‘Practical and Highly Selective Sulfur Ylide-Mediated Asymmetric Epoxidations and Aziridinations Using a Cheap and Readily Available Chiral Sulfide. Application to the Total Synthesis of Quinine and Quinidine’, O. Illa, M. Arshad, A. Ros, E. M. McGarrigle, V. K. Aggarwal, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 1828–2830. Highlighted in C&E News, Chemistry World, and Synfacts   \\
[[111 citations]]