!!!Lauri Aaltonen
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2018 - 2025 Director, Academy of Finland’s Centre of Excellence in Tumor Genetics Research
* 2019 Director, Applied Tumor Genomics Research Program, University of Helsinki  
* 2019 - 2026 Vice Scientific Director, iCAN national flagship Project
* 2020 - 2024 Visiting PI, Karolinska Institute, Cancer Genetics, Stockholm, Sweden 
* 2018 Member of the Board, FICAN South
* 2016 Vice Board Member, Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HILIFE) 
* 2007 Professor of Tumor Genomics, University of Helsinki 
* 2002 - 2007, 2008 - 2017, 2019 Academy Professor 
* 2010 Member, European Academy of Cancer Sciences (invitation)
* 2002 Member, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (invitation) 
* 2000 Member, European Molecular Biology Organization EMBO (invitation)
* 1996 Docent (Medical molecular genetics), University of Helsinki 
* 2012 - 2020 Scientific Advisory Board member, Finnish Cancer Institute
* 2012 - 2017 Director, Academy of Finland’s Center of Excellence in Cancer Genetics Research
* 2015 - 2020 Visiting Professor, Cancer Genetics, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden 
* 2016 - 2021 ERC Advanced Grant PI, “Towards prevention, early diagnosis, and noninvasive treatment of uterine leiomyomas through molecular classification” 2016-2021
* 2011 - 2016 ERC Advanced Grant PI, “Next generation genetics of cancer predisposition”
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2016 - 2021 ERC Advanced Grant PI, “Towards prevention, early diagnosis, and noninvasive treatment of uterine leiomyomas through molecular classification” 2016-2021
* 2011 - 2016 ERC Advanced Grant PI, “Next generation genetics of cancer predisposition"
* 2006 Matti Äyräpää Prize (main national medical research prize) 
* 2005 University of Helsinki's Occupational safety and health award (Award for the whole group, for excellence in Occupational Safety and Health)
* 2005 Nominee for Descartes Prize (project CANCERGENES, with Ian Tomlinson)
* 2003 Medix Prize for Biosciences 2003, for publication number 82 (National award for best biomedical publication of the year, to all coauthors)
* 2000 Anders Jahre Medical Prize for young scientists (Nordic countries award, under 40)
* 1999 Sigrid Juselius Foundation, Young Medical Researcher Award (national award, under 40)
* 1999 Institut des Sciences de la Santé Europe & Médecine Junior Prize  (EU award in medicine, under 40)
* 1998 European Association for Cancer Research, Young Cancer Researcher Award (European Award, under 35)
* 1995 Pharmacia Biotech & Science Prize for Young Scientists, European Winner (Global Award, thesis prize with no age limit)

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Aaltonen_Lauri/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Aaltonen_Lauri/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Aaltonen_Lauri/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Aaltonen_Lauri/OtherInformation]

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