!!Asli Özyürek - Curriculum Vitae
*NWO VICI Grant (Talent Scheme)\\Time period: 2015-2020 (€ 1.5 million)\\

*NWO Gravitation Excellence Grant (coPI)\\2013-2023 (€ 27.6 million)\\

*European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (PI)\\2010-2015 (€1.5 million)\\

*VIDI Grant, Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) (PI) (Talent Scheme)\\2007-2012 (€600,000)\\

*Dutch Science Foundation ASPASIA award\\2007-2012 (€100,000)\\

*NWO Internationalisering in Geesteswetenschappen: Internationalization in Humanities (Co-PI)\\2012-2014 (€36,000)\\

*Turkish Academy of Sciences, Young Scientist Award (TUBA-GEBIP)\\Time period: 2001-2004 (30,000 $)\\

*US National Institutes of Health (NIH), Major Grant (co-PI)\\2006-2011 (250,000 $)\\

*US National Science Foundation (NSF), Major Grant (co-PI)\\2000-2003 (35,000 $)\\

*3 times host for Marie  Individual Training Fellowships\\(2010-2017)\\
*3 PhD  students \\
*10  Postdoctoral Researchers
*2005 - Present Coordinator of Nijmegen Gesture Center  \\
*2015 - 2017 Chair of Scientific Board for bimodal bilingual education implementation in a preschool for the deaf in Istanbul (CEV: - Child Education Center - Cocuk Egitim Dernegi) \\
*2014 - 2016 President, International Society of Gesture Studies (ISGS) \\
*2010 - 2015 Advisory Board Member: DCAL (Deafness, Cognition and Language) Center, University College London \\
*2012 - Present  Scientific Board Member Dutch Science Foundation Language in Interaction Consortium, Radboud Univ Nijmegen\\
*2018 - Present   Directory Board Member Donders Center for Brain Cognition and Behavior, Radboud Univ Nijmegen\\
*2019 Committee member International Max Planck Research School, MPI Nijmegen\\ \\