!!Arne Öhman - List of publications
1.Öhman, A. (1971). Differentiation of conditioned and orienting response components in
electrodermal conditioning. Psychophysiology, 8, 7-22.

2. Öhman, A. (1971). Interaction between instruction-induced expectance and strength of
unconditioned stimulus in GSR conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 88,

3. Öhman, A. (1972). Factor analytically derived components of orienting, defensive, and
conditioned behavior in electrodermal conditioning. Psychophysiology, 9, 199-209.

4. Öhman, A., Kaye, J.J., & Lader, M. (1972). Regular interstimulus interval as a critical
determinant of short-term "habituation" of the auditory averaged evoked response.
Psychonomic Science, 27, 275-278.

5. Öhman, A., & Lader, M. (1972). Selective attention and "habituation" of the auditory averaged
evoked response in humans. Physiology and Behavior, 8, 79-85.

6. Öhman, A. (1973). Temporal generalization of electrodermal orienting responses: Comment.
Perceptual and Motor Skills, 37, 593-594.

7. Öhman, A., Björkstrand, P.-Å., & Ellström, P.-E. (1973). Effect of explicit trial-by-trial
information about shock probability in long interstimulus interval GSR conditioning.
Journal of Experimental Psychology, 98, 145-151.

8. Öhman, A., & Bohlin, G. (1973). Magnitude and habituation of the orienting reaction as
predictors of discriminative electrodermal conditioning. Journal of Experimental
Research in Personality, 6, 293-299.

9. Öhman, A., & Bohlin, G. (1973). The relationship between spontaneous and stimuluscorrelated
electrodermal responses in simple and discriminative conditioning paradigms.
Psychophysiology, 10, 589-500.

10. Öhman, A. (1974). Orienting reactions, expectancy learning, and conditioned responses in
electrodermal conditioning with different interstimulus intervals. Biological Psychology,
1, 189-200.

11. Öhman, A. (1974). The relationship between electrodermal and digital vasomotor responses
in aversive classical conditioning. Biological Psychology, 2, 17-31.

12. Öhman, A., Eriksson, A., Fredrikson, M., Hugdahl, K., & Olofsson, C. (1974). Habituation of
the electrodermal orienting response to potentially phobic and supposedly neutral stimuli
in normal human subjects. Biological Psychology, 2, 85-93.

13. Öhman, A. (1975). Fobisk betingning: En laboratorieanalog för experimentell
behandlingsforskning. (Phobic conditioning: A laboratory analogue for experimental
treatment research). Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy, 4, 91-106.

14. Öhman, A., Eriksson, A., & Olofsson, C. (1975). One-trial learning and superior resistance to
extinction of autonomic responses conditioned to potentially phobic stimuli. Journal of
Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 88, 619-627. Reprinted in R. M. Tarpy &
R. E. Mayer (Eds.) (1979). Readings in learning and memory. Glenview, Ill.: Scott,
Foresman, & Co.

15. Öhman, A., Erixon, G., & Löfberg, I. (1975). Phobias and preparedness: Phobic versus
neutral pictures as conditioned stimuli for human autonomic responses. Journal of
Abnormal Psychology, 84, 41-45. Reprinted in J. M. Neale, G. C. Davison, & K. P. Price
(Eds.) (1978). Contemporary readings in psychopathology. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley.

16. Öhman, A., MacLean, V., & Lader, M. (1975). Concomitant short-term changes in the
auditory evoked response, the EEG, and reaction-time performance in relation to the
temporal parameters of stimulation. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 16, 177-183.

17. MacLean, V., Öhman, A., & Lader, M. (1975). Effects of attention, activation, and stimulus
regularity on short-term "habituation" of the auditory evoked response. Biological
Psychology, 3, 57-63.

18. Öhman, A.(1976). Towards experimental models of "mental disease". In S. G. R. Nordström
(Ed.) Faculty of social science at Uppsala university. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis:
Uppsala University 500 years. Vol. 7. Uppsala: Almquist & Wiksell, pp. 119-145.

19. Öhman, A., Ellström, P.-E., & Björkstrand, P.-Å. (1976). Subjective estimates of UCS
probability and electrodermal responses in a long interstimulus interval paradigm.
Psychophysiology, 13, 121-127.

20. Öhman, A., Fredrikson, M., Hugdahl, K., & Rimmö, P.-A. (1976). The premise of
equipotentiality in human conditioning: Conditioned electrodermal responses to
potentially phobic stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 105, 313-337.

21. Fredrikson, M., Hugdahl, K., & Öhman, A. (1976). Electrodermal conditioning to potentially
phobic stimuli in male and female subjects. Biological Psychology, 4, 305-314.

22. Hygge, S., & Öhman, A. (1976). Conditioned electrodermal responses through vications
instigation and through threat to a performer. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 17,

23. Hygge, S., & Öhman, A. (1976). The relation of vicarious to direct instigation and
conditioning of electrodermal responses. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 17, 217-

24. Öhman, A., & Lader, M. (1977). Short-term changes of the human auditory evoked potential
during repetitive stimulation. In J. E. Desmedt (Ed.) Progress in Clinical
Neurophysiology, Vol 2. Basel: Karger, Pp. 91-118.

25. Öhman, A., & Hygge, S. (1977). When apple definitions become orange realities in banana
theories: Epistomological and psychophysiological considerations on Lindahl's analysis
of vicarious instigation research. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 18, 92-102.

26. Berggren, T., Öhman, A., & Fredrikson, M. (1977). Locus on control and habituation of the
electrodermal orienting response to nonsignal and signal stimuli. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 35, 708-716.

27. Hugdahl, K., Fredrikson, M., & Öhman, K. (1977). "Preparedness" and "arousability" as
determinants of electrodermal conditioning. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 15, 345-

28. Hugdahl, K., & Öhman, A. (1977). Effects of instructions on acquisition and extinction of
electrodermal responses to fear-relevant stimuli. Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Human Learning and Memory, 3, 608-618.

29. Öhman, A., Fredrikson, M., & Hugdahl, K. (1978). Orienting and defensive responding in the
electrodermal system: Palmar-dorsal differences and recovery rate during conditioning
to potentially phobic stimuli. Psychophysiology, 15, 93-101.

30. Öhman, A., Fredrikson, M., & Hugdahl, K. (1978). Towards an experimental model of simple
phobic reactions. Behaviour Analysis and Modification, 2, 97-114.

31. Öhman, A., Fredrikson, M., & Hugdahl, K. (1978). Reply to S. J. Rachman: Towards an
experimental model of simple phobic reactions. Behaviour Analysis and Modification, 2,

32. Öhman, A., & Dimberg, U. (1978). Facial expressions as conditioned stimuli for
electrodermal responses: A case of "preparedness"? Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 36, 1251-1258.

33. Hygge, S., & Öhman, A. (1978). Modeling processes in the acquisition of fears: Vicarious
electrodermal conditioning to fear-relevant stimuli. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 36, 271-279.

34. Lang, P.J., Öhman, A., & Simons, R.F. (1978). The psychophysiology of anticipation. In J.
Requin (Ed.) Attention and performance. Vol. VII. Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum, pp. 469-

35. Öhman, A. (1979). Fear relevance, autonomic conditioning, and phobias: A laboratory model.
In P.-O. Sjödén, S. Bates, & W. S. Dockens III (Eds.) Trends in Behavior Therapy, New
York: Academic Press, pp. 107-133.

36. Öhman, A. (1979). The orienting response, attention, and learning: An informationprocessing
perspective. In H. D. Kimmel, E. H. van Olst, & J. F. Orlebeke (Eds.) The
orienting reflex in humans. Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum, pp. 443-471.

37. Öhman, A. (1979). Editorial. European psychophysiology. Psychophysiology, 16, 411-412.

38. Öhman, A., & Hugdahl, K. (1979). Instructional control of autonomic respondents: Fear
relevance as a critical factor. In N. Birlbaumer & H. D. Kimmel (Eds.) Biofeedback and
self-regulation. Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum, pp. 149-165.

39. Öhman, A., & Ursin, H. (1979). On the sufficiency of a Pavlovian conditioning model for
coping with the complexities of neurosis. The Behavioral and Brain Science, 2, 179-180.

40. Fredrikson, M., & Öhman, A. (1979). Cardiovascular and electrodermal responses during
conditioning to fear-relevant stimuli. Psychophysiology, 16, 1-7.

41. Fredrikson, M., & Öhman, A. (1979). Heart-rate and electrodermal orienting responses to
simple and complex visual stimuli. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 20, 37-41.

42. Simons, R.F., Öhman, A., & Lang, P.J. (1979). Anticipation and response set: Cortical,
cardiac, and electrodermal correlates. Psychophysiology, 16, 222-233.

43. Hugdahl, K., & Öhman, A. (1980). Skin conductance conditioning to potentially phobic
stimuli as a function of interstimulus interval and delay versus trace paradigm.
Psychophysiology, 17, 348-355.

44. Berg, G., Laberg, J.C., Skutle, A., & Öhman, A. (1981). Instructed versus pharmacological
effects of alcohol in alcoholics and social drinkers. Behaviour Research and Therapy,
19, 55-66.

45. Öhman, A., & Lang, P.J. (Eds.) (1981) European psychophysiology. Psychophysiology, 18,

46. Öhman, A. (1981). Electrodermal activity and vulnerability to schizophrenia: A review.
Biological Psychology, 12, 87-145.

47. Öhman, A. (1981). The role of experimental psychology in the scientific analysis of
psychopathology. International Journal of Psychology, 16, 299-321.

48. Öhman, A. (1983). The orienting response during Pavlovian conditioning. In: D. A. T. Siddle
(Ed.) Orienting and habituation: Perspectives in human research. Chichester: Wiley,

49. Dimberg, U., & Öhman, A. (1983). The effects of directional facial cues on electrodermal
conditioning to facial stimuli. Psychophysiology, 20, 160-167.

50. Öhman, A. (1983). Part VI. Evaluating evaluative conditioning: Some comments on
"Cognitions, evaluations, and conditioning: Rules of sequence and rules of consequence"
by Levey and Martin. Advances in Behaviour Research and Therapy, 4, 213-218.

51. Alm, T., Lindström, L.H., Öst, L.-G., & Öhman, A. (1984). Electrodermal nonresponding in
schizophrenia: Relationsships to attentional, clinical, biochemical, computed
tomographical and genetic factors. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 1, 195-

52. Donchin, E., Heffley, E., Hillyard, S.A., Loveless, N., Maltzman, I., Öhman, A., Rösler, F.,
Ruchkin, D., & Siddle, D. (1984). Cognitions and event-related potentials: II. The
orienting reflex and P300. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 425, 39-57.

53. Öhman, A., & Dimberg, U. (1984). An evolutionary perspective on human social behavior. In
W. M. Waid (Ed.) Sociophysiology. New York: Springer, pp 47-86.

54. Öhman, A., Dimberg, U., & Öst, L.-G. (1985). Animal and social phobias: Biological
constraints on learned fear responses. In S. Reiss & R. R. Bootzin (Eds.) Theoretical
issues in behavior therapy. New York: Academic Press, pp 123-175.

55. Öhman, A. (1985). Psykologiska och biologiska faktorer i emotioner: Fobier som prototyp för
en interaktionistisk analys. (Psychological and biological factors in emotions: Phobias as
prototypes for an interactional analysis). In B. Törestad & L. Nystedt (Eds.) Människaomvärld
i samspel. En bok om interaktionistisk psykologi. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur,
pp. 27-47.

56. Öhman, A. (1986). Integrating energetic and information processing concepts: Emotions as
keys to a functional-evolutionary perspective. In R. Hockey, A. Gaillard, & M. Coles
(Eds.) Energetics and human information processing. Dordrecht, The Netherlands:
Martinus Nijhoff.

57. Öhman, A. (1986). Face the beast and fear the face: Animal and social fears as prototypes for
evolutionary analyses of emotion. Psychophysiology, 23, 123-145.

58. Öhman, A. (1986). Om emotioners biologiska, inlärda och omedvetna ursprung. (On the
biological, learned, and unconscious origin of emotions). In L. Sjöberg (Ed.) Svensk
psykologisk forskning av idag: Studiet av känslor, varseblivning, tänkande och
personlighet. (Contemporary Swedish Psychology: The study of emotions, perception,
thinking and personality). Stockholm: Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskapliga
forskningsrådet, pp. 101-113.

59. Burell, G., Sundin, Ö., Ström, G., & Öhman, A. (1986). Heart and Lifestyle: A Type A
treatment program for myocardial infarction patients. Scandinavian Journal of
Behaviour Therapy, 15, 87-93.

60. Öhman, A., Nordby, H., & d'Elia, G. (1986). Orienting and schizophrenia: Stimulus
significance, attention, and distraction in a signaled reaction time task. Journal of
Abnormal Psychology, 95, 326-334.

61. Öhman, A. (1987). The psychophysiology of emotion: An evolutionary-cognitive perspective.
In P. K. Ackles, J. R. Jennings, & M. G. H. Coles (Eds.) Advances in psychophysiology,
Vol. 2, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp. 79-127.

62. Öhman, A. (1987). Evolution, learning, and phobias: An interactional analysis. In D.
Magnusson & A. Öhman (Eds.) Psychopathology: An interactional perspective. New
YorK: Academic Press, pp 143-158.

63. Öhman, A., & Bohlin, G. (1987). Barry's unification of matter, mind, and body: One mental
process for each polygraph channel. In P. K. Ackles, J. R. Jennings, & M. G. H. Coles
(Eds.) Advances in psychophysiology, Vol. 2, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp 259-270.

64. Magnusson, D., & Öhman, A. (Eds.). (1987). Psychopathology: An interactional perspective.
New York: Academic Press.

65. Öhman, A., & Magnusson, D. (1987). An interactional paradigm for research on
psychopathology. In D. Magnusson & A. Öhman (Eds.) Psychopathology: An
interactional perspective. New York: Academic Press, pp. 3-21.

66. Hugdahl, K., & Öhman, A. (1987). The history of psychology in Sweden. In A. R. Gilgen &
C. K. Gilgen (Eds.) International handbook of psychology. Westport, CT: Greenwood
Press, pp 461-483.

67. Svebak, S., Nordby, H., & Öhman, A. (1987). The personality of the cardiac responder:
Interaction of seriousmindedness and Type A behavior. Biological Psychology, 25, 1-9.

68. Thoresen, C.E., & Öhman, A. (1987). The Type A behavior pattern: A person-environment
interaction perspective. In D. Magnusson & A. Öhman (Eds.) Psychopathology: An
interactional perspective. New York: Academic Press, pp 325-346.

69. Öhman, A. (1988). Preattentive processes in the generation of emotions. In V. Hamilton, G.
H. Bower, & N. H. Frijda (Eds.). Cognitive perspectives on emotion and motivation.
Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp 127-144.

70. Öhman, A. (1988). Nonconscious control of autonomic responses: A role for Pavlovian
conditioning? Biological Psychology, 27, 113-135.

71. Öhman, A. & Bohlin, G. (1989). The role of controllability in cardiovascular activation and
cardiovascular disease: Help or hindrance? In A. Steptoe & A. Appels (Eds.) Stress,
personal control and health. Chichester, Wiley, pp. 257-276.

72. Öhman, A., Dimberg, U., & Esteves, F. (1989). Preattentive activation of aversive emotions.
In T. Archer & L.-G. Nilsson (Eds.). Aversion, avoidance, and anxiety: Perspectives on
aversively motivated behavior. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 169-

73. Öhman, A., Nordby, H., & Svebak, S. (1989). Components of Type A behavior and patterns
of task-induced cardiovascular activation. Psychophysiology, 26, 81-88.

74. Öhman, A., Nordby, H., & d'Elia, G. (1989). Orienting in schizophrenia: Habituation to
auditory stimuli of constant and varying intensity. Psychophysiology, 26, 48-61.

75. Öhman, A. Öhlund, L., Alm, T., Wieselgren, I.-M., Öst, L.-G. & Lindström, L.
(1989).Electrodermal nonresponding, premorbid adjustment, and symptomatology as
predictors of long-term social functioning in schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal
Psychology, 98, 426-435.

76. Öhman, A. (1990). Brain function in schizophrenia: Discussion. In H. Häfner & W. F. Gattaz
(Eds.) Search for the causes of schizophrenia II. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp.

77. Öhlund, L., Öhman, A., Alm, T., Öst, L.-G., & Lindström, L. (1990). Season of Birth and
Electrodermal Nonresponding in Male Schizophrenics. Biological Psychiatry, 27, 328-

78. Straube, E.R., & Öhman, A. (1990). Functional role of the different autonomic nervous
system activity patterns found in schizophrenia - A new model. In E. Straube & K.
Hahlweg (Eds.) Schizophrenia: Concepts vulnerability and intervention. Berlin:
Springer, pp. 135-157.

79. Fredrikson, M., Klein, K., & Öhman, A. (1990). Do instructions modify effects of betaadrenergic
blockade on anxiety? Psychophysiology, 27, 309-317.

80. Öhman, A. (1991). Brott och rädsla. Om rädslans psykologi (Crime and fear. On the
psychology of fear). In G. Wiklund (Ed.) Rädslan för brott. BRÅ-rapport 1991:2.
Stockholm: Brottsförebyggande rådet, pp.41-50.

81. Öhman, A., & Hugdahl, K. (1991). Psicofisiologia dell'emozione: prospettive
evoluzionistiche, apprendimento emozionale e modelli de resposte fysiologiche. (The
psychophysiology of emotion: Evolutionary perspectives, emotional learning, and
physiological response patterns) In L. Stegagno (Ed.) Psicofisiologia. 2: Correlati
fisiologici dei processi cognitivi e del compartamento. Torino, Italy: Editore Boringhieri.

82. Öhman, A., & Sundin, Ö. (1991). Stress, type A-atferd och atferdsmedisinsk behandling:
Rehabilitering etter hjerteinfarkt (In Norwegian). (Stress, Type A behavior, and
behavioral medicine tretment: Rehabiltation following myocardial infarction).
Discriminanten, 18, 26-36.

83. Öhman, A., & Öhngren, B. (Eds.) (1991). Two faces of Swedish psychology. I. Frontiers in
perception and cognition. An evaluation of Swedish research in cognitive psychology.
Uppsala: Swedish Science Press.

84. Öhlund, L. S., Öhman, A., Öst, L.-G. Lindström, L. H., & Wieselgren, I.-M. (1991).
Electrodermal orienting response, maternal age, and season of birth in schizophrenia.
Psychiatry Research, 36, 223-232.

85. Öhman, A. (1992). Orienting and attention: Preferred preattentive processing of potentially
phobic stimuli. In B. A. Campbell, R. Richardson, & H. Haynes (Eds.) Attention and
information processing in infants and adults: Perspectives from human and animal
research. Hillsdale, N. J.: Erlbaum, pp. 263-295.

86. Öhman, A. (1992). For distinguished contribution to psychophysiology: Peter J. Lang.
Psychophysiology, 29, 1-7.

87. Öhman, A. (1992). The history of biological psychology in Sweden: The human side. In B.
Everitt, H. Ursin, P. Venables, & L. Weiskrantz. Two faces of Swedish psychology: 2.
Frontiers in Biological Psychology. An evaluation of Swedish research in biological
psychology. Uppsala: Swedish Science Press.

88. Öhman, A., Burell, G., Ramund, B., & Fleischman, N. (1992). Decomposing coronary-prone
behavior: Dimensions of Type A behavior in the Videotaped structured interview.
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 14, 21-54.

89. Öhman, A., & Sundin, Ö. (1992). Typ A beteende som nyckel till vidmakthållande av
livsstilsförändringar hos infarktpatienter. (Type A behavior as a key to maintaining life
style changes in myocardial infarction patients). In J. Lisspers & Å. Nygren (Eds.) Ny
livsstil på livstid - om vidmakthållande av livsstilsförändringar. Stockholm: Folksam.
pp. 76-104.

90. Lindström. E. M., Öhlund, L. S., Lindström, L. H., & Öhman, A. (1992). Symptomatology
and electrodermal activity as predictors of neuroleptic response in young male
schizophrenics. Psychiatry Research, 42, 145-158.

91. Öhlund, L. S., Lindström, L. H., & Öhman, A. (1992). Electrodermal orienting response and
central nervous system dopamine and serotonin activity in schizophrenics. Journal of
Nervous and Mental Disease, 180, 304-313.

92. Palm, T., & Öhman, A. (1992). Social interaction, cardiovascular activation and the Type A
behavior pattern. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 13, 101-110.

93. Sundin, Ö., & Öhman, A. (1992). Cardiovascular reactivity and the Type A behavior pattern.
Journal of Psychophysiology, 6, 240-251.

94. Öhman, A. (1993). Fear and anxiety as emotional phenomena: Clinical phenomenology,
evolutionary perspectives, and information processing mechanisms. In M. Lewis & J. M.
Haviland (Eds.) Handbook of emotions. New York: Guilford

95. Öhman, A. (1993). Stimulus prepotency and fear learning: Data and theory. In N. Birbaumer
& A. Öhman (Eds.) The organization of emotion: Cognitive, clinical and
psychophysiological aspects, pp. 218-239 Toronto: Hogrefe and Huber

96. Öhman, A., & Birbaumer, N. (1993). Psychophysiological and cognitive-clinical perspectives
on emotion: Introduction and overview. In N. Birbaumer, & A. Öhman, (Eds.) (in press)
The organization of emotion: Cognitive, clinical and psychophysiological aspects, pp. 3-
17. Toronto: Hogrefe and Huber.

97. Öhman, A., Esteves, F., Flykt, A., & Soares, J. J. F. (1993). Gateways to consciousness:
Emotion, attention, and electrodermal activity. In J.-C. Roy, W. Boucsein, D. Fowles &
J. Gruzelier (Eds.) Progress in electrodermal research. New York Plenum.

98. Öhman, A., & Soares, J. J. F. (1993). On the automaticity of phobic fear: Conditioned
electrodermal responses to masked fear-relevant stimuli. Journal of Abnormal
Psychology, 102, 121-132.

99. Birbaumer, N., & Öhman, A. (Eds.) (1993) The organization of emotion: Cognitive, clinical
and psychophysiological aspects. Toronto: Hogrefe and Huber.

100. Brandberg, M., & Öhman, A. (1993). Type A behavior and real-life situations: Acase study
of interactions. Scandinavian Journal of Behaviour Therapy, 22, 31-48.

101. Esteves, F., & Öhman, A. (1993). Masking the face: Recognition of emotional facial
expressions as a function of the parameters of backward masking. Scandinavian Journal
of Psychology, 34, 1-18.

102. Soares, J. J. F., & Öhman, A. (1993). Backward masking and skin conductance responses
after conditioning to non-feared but fear-relevant stimuli in fearful subjects.
Psychophysiology, 30, 460-466.

103. Soares, J. J. F., & Öhman, A. (1993). Preattentive processing, preparedness, and phobias:
Effects of instruction on conditioned electrodermal responses to masked and nonmasked
fear-relevant stimuli. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 31, 87-95.

104. Öhman, A. (1994). The psychophysiology of emotion: Evolutionary and nonconscious
origins. In G. d'Ydewalle, P. Eelen, & P. Bertelsen (Eds.). International perspectives on
psychological science. Vol. 1: The state of the art. (pp. 197-226). Hillsdale, NJ:

105. Öhman, A. (1994). Rädsla, ångest, fobi. (Fear, anxiety, phobia). Lund: Scandinavian
University Press.

106. Öhman, A. (,1994). Vetenskap, människosyn och beteendepåverkan. (Science, views of
human nature, and behavior modification). In L. Lundgren & U. Svedin (Eds). Livsstil
och miljö. Lund: BTJ Tryck

107. Öhman, A., & Soares, J. J. F. (1994). "Unconscious anxiety": Phobic responses to masked
stimuli. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 103, 231-240.

108. Burell, G., Öhman, A., Sundin, Ö., Ström, G. Ramund, B., Cullhed, I., & Thoresen, C.E.
(1994) Modification of Type A behavior in post myocardial infarction patients: A route
to cardiac rehabilitation. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1, 32-54.

109. Esteves, F., Dimberg, U., & Öhman, A. (1994). Automatically elicited fear: Conditioned
skin conductance responses to masked facial expressions. Cognition and Emotion, 8,

110. Esteves, F., Dimberg, U., Parra, C., & Öhman, A. (1994). Nonconscious associative
learning: Pavlovian conditioning of skin conductance responses to masked fear-relevant
facial stimuli. Psychophysiology, 31, 375-385.

111. Sundin, Ö., & Öhman, A., Burell, G., Palm. T., & Ström, G. (1994). Psychophysiological
effects of Type A modification in myocardial infarction patients. International Journal
of Behavioral Medicine, 1, 55-75.

112. Wieselgren, I.-M., Öhlund, L. S., Lindström, L. H., & Öhman, A. (1994). Electrodermal
activity as a predictor of long-term social functioning in female schizophrenics. Journal
of Abnormal Psychology, 103, 570-575.

113. Öhman, A. (1995). Eggs in more than one basket: Mediating mechanisms between evolution
and phobias. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18, 310-311.

114. Öhman, A., Esteves, F., & Parra, C. (1995). Estrategias de investigación en psicopatología:
Una perspectiva vulnerabilidad-estrés. (Strategies for research in psychopathology: A
vulnerability-stress perspective) In V. E. Caballa, G. Buela-Casal, y J. A. Carrobles
(dirs.) Manual de psicopatología y trastornos psiquátricos, Vol. 1: Fundamentos
conceptuales; trarstornos por ansiedad, afectivos y psicóticos. Madrid: Sieglo XXI de
Espana Editores, pp. 163-204.

115. Öhman, A., Esteves, F., & Soares, J. J. F. (1995). Preparedness and preattentive associative
learning: Electrodermal conditioning to masked stimuli. Journal of Psychophysiology.,
9, 99-108.

116. Öhman, A., Ehinger, B., Hagenfeldt, K., Jacobsson, L., Järvholm. B., Matell, R., Nerbrand,
C., Svartengren, M., & Wahlberg, J. (1995). Inga bevis for elkänslighet av
elektromagnetiska fält. Patientens upplevelse måste ändå respekteras! Läkartidningen,
92, 2227-2228.

117. Öhman, A., & Sundin, Ö. (1995). Emotional factors in cardiovascular disorder. Current
Opinions in Psychiatry, 8, 410-413.

118. Sundin, Ö., Öhman, A., Palm. T., & Ström, G. (1995). Cardiovascular reactivity, Type A
behavior and coronary heart disease: Comparisons between myocardial infarction
patients and controls during laboratory induced stress. Psychophysiology, 32, 28-35.

119. Öhman, A. (1996). Preferential preattentive processing of threat in anxiety: Preparedness
and attentional biases. In R. M. Rapee (Ed.) Current controversies in the anxiety
disorders. New York: Guilford Press.

120. Öhman, A. (1996). Outcome and mechanisms in the evolution of phobias: Surprise, latent
inhibition, and the status of the preparedness hypothesis. In R. M. Rapee (Ed.) Current
controversies in the anxiety disorders. New York: Guilford Press.

121. Öhman, A. (1996). Beteendemedicinska modeller (A behavioral medicine model). I ”Kropp
och själ. Psykosomatik i praktisk sjukvård”. Svensk Medicin, 51, 62-71.

122. Öhman, A. (1996). The nature of emotion: Fundamental questions. P. Ekman & R. J.
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137. Lisspers, J., Hofman-Bang, C., Nordlander, R., Sunding, Ö., Nygren, Å., Öhman, A., &
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138. Morris, J. S., Öhman, A., & Dolan, R. J. (1998). Conscious and unconscious emotional
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141. Globisch, J., Hamm, A., Esteves, F., & Öhman, A. (1999). Fear appears fast: temporal
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142. Hofman-Bang, C., Lisspers, J., Nordlander, R., Nygren, Å., Sundin, Ö., Öhman, A., &
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144. Lundqvist, D., Esteves, F., & Öhman, A. (1999) The face of wrath: Critical features for
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145. Morris, J. S., Öhman, A., & Dolan, R. J. (1999) A subcortical pathway to the right amygdala
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150. Öhman, A., Flykt, A., & Lundqvist, D. (2000). Unconscious emotion: Evolutionary
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151. Öhman, A., Hamm, A., & Hugdahl, K. (2000). Cognition and the autonomic nervous
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156. Öhman, A., Lundqvist, D., & Esteves, F. (2001). The face in the crowd revisited: A threat
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160. Öhman, A., & Wiens, S. (2001). To think and to feel: Nonconscious emotional activation
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161. Öhman, A. (2002). Automaticity and the amygdala: Nonconscious responses to emotional
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165. Öhman, A., & Mineka, S. (2003). The malicious serpent: Snakes as a prototypical stimulus
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166. Öhman., A., & Wiens, S. (2003). On the automaticity of autonomic responses in emotion:
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170. Lundqvist, D., Esteves, F., & Öhman, A. (2004). The Face of wrath: The role of features and
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171. Öhman., A., & Wiens, S. (2004). The concept of an evolved fear module and cognitive
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173. Schupp, H. T., Öhman, A., Junghöfer, M., Weike, A. I., Stockburger, J., & Hamm, A. O.
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174. Wiens, S., Fransson, P., Dietrich, T., Lohmann, P., Ingvar, M., & Öhman, A. (2004).
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175. Carlsson, K., Petersson, K. M., Lundqvist, D., Karlsson, A., Ingvar, M., & Öhman, A.
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176. Öhman, A. (2005). Conditioned fear of a face: A prelude to ethnic enmity? Science, 309 (29
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177. Öhman, A. (2005). The role of the amygdala in human fear: Automatic detection of threat.
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179. Lisspers, J., Sundin, Ö., Hofman-Bang, C., Rydén, L., Öhman, A &. Nygren,Å., (2005).
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180. Lundqvist, D., & Öhman, A. (2005). Emotion regulates attention: The relation between
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192. Öhman, A., & Rück, C. (2007). Four principles of fear and their implications for phobias. In
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193. Wiens, S., & Öhman, A. (2007). Probing unconscious emotional processes: On becoming a
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194. Öhman, A. (2008). Fear and anxiety: Overlaps and dissociations. In M. Lewis & J. M.
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195. Wiens, S., Peira, N., Golkar, A., & Öhman, A. (2008). Recognizing masked threat: Fear
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197.Öhman, A. (2009). Human fear conditioning and the amygdala. In P. J. Whalen & E. A.
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198. Öhman, A. (2009). Of snakes and faces: An evolutionary perspective on the psychology of
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200. Öhman, A. (2009). Post-Traumatic Fear Memories: Analyzing a Case-Study of a Sexual
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201. Öhman, A., & Rück, C. (2009). Ångestsyndrom (Anxiety syndromes). In J. Herlofson, E.
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203. Kompus K, Hugdahl K, Öhman A, Marklund, P., & Nyberg, L. (2009). Distinct control
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204. Lonsdorf, T. B., Weike, A. I., Nikamo, P., Schalling, M., Hamm. A. O., and Öhman. A.
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Environment Interaction in Anxiety Disorder. Psychological Science, 20(2), 198-206

205. Lonsdorf, T.B., Rück, C., Bergström, J., Andersson, G., Öhman, A., Schalling, M., &
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206. Maurex, L., Zaboli, G., Wiens, S., Åsberg, M., Leopardi, R., and Öhman, A. (2009).
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207. Nilsonne, Å., & Öhman, A. (2009). Psykiatri – det evolutionära perspektivet (Psychiary –
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208. Olsson, A., & Öhman, A. (2009). Is cultivating “biological blindness” a viable route to
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209. Olsson, A., & Öhman, A. (2009) The affective neuroscience of emotion: Automatic
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210. Soares, S. C., Esteves, F., Lundqvist, D., & Öhman, A. (2009). Some animals specific fears
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211. Lonsdorf, T. B., Weike, A. I., Golkar, A., Schalling, M., Hamm, A. O., & Öhman, A.
(2010). Amygdala-dependent fear conditioning in humans is modulated by the
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212. Lonsdorf, T.B., Rück, C., Bergström, J., Andersson, G., Öhman, A., Lindefors, N. &
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213. Öhman, A., Juth, P., & Lundqvist, D. (2010). Finding the face in the crowd: The anger
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214. Maurex L, Lekander M, Nilsonne Å, Andersson E E, Åsberg M, Öhman A. (2010). Social
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215. Maurex L, Zaboli G, Leopardi R, Åsberg M, Öhman A. (2010). The serotonin transporter
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216. Victor, T. A., Furey, M.L., Fromm, S.J., Öhman, A., & Drevets, W. C. (2010). Relationship
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217. Golkar,A. Lonsdorf,T. B., Olsson, A., Lindstrom, K. M., Fransson, P., Schalling, M., Ingvar,
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218. Lonsdorf, T.B., Golkar, A., Lindström, K.M., Fransson, P., Öhman, A. & Ingvar, M.
The 5-HTTLPR and COMTval158met genotypes independently gate amygdala activity
during passive viewing of angry faces. Submitted for publication
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