!!YOUNG ACADEMY OF EUROPE (YAE) EVENTS *[Young scientists and European science advice|Acad_Main/Young_Academy_Events/Young scientists and European science advice]. The seminar was organized by the Young Academy of Europe and Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. 14th of March, 2022, 15.00-17.00. *[ERC Starting Grant mentoring event|Acad_Main/Young_Academy_Events/ERC Starting Grant mentoring event 2020]. Young Academy of Europe (YAE) hosted the ERC Starting Grant Mentoring online event on 21st September 2020. *[YAE Symposium on COVID-19|Acad_Main/Young_Academy_Events/YAE Symposium on COVID-19]. An online workshop on COVID-19, 22 April 2020\\Recording of the event can be viewed on YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy1qVBs6fHI] *[Annual Meeting 2015|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Young Academy of Europe], Darmstadt, September 7, 2015 *[Symposium on clean energy and climate modeling|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Symposium on clean energy and climate modeling], Bergen, Norway, June 15 - 16, 2015 *[Pathways to Excellence: Experiences of Illuminating Women in Science|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Pathways to Excellence Experiences of Illuminating Women in Science], Uppsala University, May 22, 2015 *[Young Academy Statement|Acad_Main/News_Archive/Young Academy Statement]. Open Letter to the Members of the European Parliament to express extreme concern about plans to cut the ERC budget by 221 M€., February 2015 *[Annual Meeting 2014|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Annual Meeting of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE)], Barcelona, July 15, 2014