!!Social Change and Social Thought \\ The __Social Change and Social Thought Section__ highlights processes of social and societal change from a variety of disciplinary vantage points. It explores long-term historical processes as well as contemporary societal transformations but also how these are interpreted by and relate to different intellectual traditions. The section serves as a forum for scholarly collaborative research endeavours and encounters on these issues. Its members come from disciplines such as sociology, political science and theory, economic history, social anthropology, intellectual history and international relations. \\ \\ !Chairperson: %%chairperson [{Image src='Wagner_Peter.jpg' height='100'}]''[Peter Wagner|User/Wagner_Peter]'' %% !Section Committee: %%columns-450 %%committee-left [{Image src='Hann_Chris_Portrait_Foto_Thomas_Meinicke_mini.jpg' height='100' }]''[Chris Hann|Member/Hann_Chris]'' %% ---- %%committee-left ''[Penelope Harvey|Member/Harvey_Penelope]'' %% ---- %%committee-left ''[Lars Magnusson|User/Magnusson_Lars]'' %% %% \\ \\