!!Physiology and neuroscience \\ __Physiology and Neuroscience Section__ covers a wide range of experimental and theoretical fields of science. This includes cell and system physiology, at the level from molecules to organs to intact animals including human physiology; molecular, membrane and cellular biophysics; comparative and system anatomy and physiology; receptor and cellular pharmacology and physiological biochemistry; research fields dealing with the structure and function of central and peripheral nervous systems; molecular, cellular and system neuroscience; cell biology and physiology of neuroglia, extracellular matrix and other non-neuronal elements of the nervous system; theoretical, system, and computational neuroscience; behavoural and neuropsychology research fields; brain imaging and experimental psychology in animal and humans. \\ \\ !Chairperson: %%chairperson [{Image src='Gulyas_Balazs.jpg' height='100' }]''[Balázs Gulyás|Member/Gulyás_Balázs]'' %% !Section Committee: %%columns-500 %%committee-left [{Image src='Dierssen_Mara_mini.jpg' height='100' }]''[Mara Dierssen|Member/Dierssen_Mara]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Kokaia_Zaal_mini.jpg' height='100' }]''[Zaal Kokaia|Member/Kokaia_Zaal]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Matteoli_Michela_mini.jpg' height='100' }]''[Michaela Matteoli|Member/Matteoli_Michela]'' %% ---- %%committee-left ''[Thomas Perlmann|Member/Perlmann_Thomas]'' %% %% \\ %%columns-400 %%committee-left [{Image src='rusakov_dmitri.jpg' height='100' }] ''[Dmitri Rusakov|User/Rusakov_Dmitri]'' \\ %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Semyanov_Alexey_thumb.jpg' height='100' }]''[Alexey Semyanov|Member/Semyanov_Alexey]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='sipido_karin.jpg' height='100' }]''[Karin Rose Sipido|Member/Sipido_Karin_Rose]'' %% %%