!!Physics and engineering sciences
The __Physics and Engineering Sciences__ section comprises all subfields in Physics, Engineering, and Material Sciences including those at the interface with other disciplines. Members perform research in academic, research and industrial institutions, large and small, and work in collaborations of different sizes, ranging from a few researchers up to a few thousand ones, depending on the type of research line involved. Research in all subfields within the Section is highly international and competitive.
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[{Image src='exner_pavel_thumb.jpg' height='100'}]
''[Pavel Exner|User/Exner_Pavel]''

!Section Committee:
[{Image src='Dietl_Tomasz.jpg' height='100' alt='Tomasz Dietl'}]''[Tomasz Dietl|Member/Dietl_Tomasz]''
[{Image src='Linden_Paul_mini.jpg' height='100' alt='Paul Linden' }]''[Paul Linden|Member/Linden_Paul_Frederick]''
[{Image src='Procaccia_Itamar_mini.jpg' height='100' alt='Itamar Procaccia'}]''[Itamar Procaccia|Member/Procaccia_Itamar]'' 
[{Image src='Zwirner_Fabio_mini.jpg' height='100' alt='Fabio Zwirner'}]''[Fabio Zwirner|Member/Zwirner_Fabio]'' 
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