The __Mathematics section__ covers a broad spectrum of research areas
ranging from pure to applied mathematics. The corresponding expertise
is contributed by the members of our section coming from distinguished
mathematics institutions from all over Europe and overseas. There is 
great interest in exchange with other disciplines represented in the
Academia Europaea.
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[{Image src='michel_philippe.jpg'  height='100'}]''[Philippe Michel|User/Michel_Philippe]''
!Section Committee:
[{Image src='Loeser_francois.jpeg'  height='100' }] ''[François Loeser|Member/Loeser_François]''
[{Image src='Perthame_Benoit_mini.jpg'  height='100' }]''[Benoît Perthame|Member/Perthame_Benoît]''
[{Image src='SanzSole_Marta_mini.jpg'  height='100'}] ''[Marta Sanz-Solé|Member/Sanz-Sole_Marta]''
[{Image src='Wilkinson_Amie_thumb.jpg'  height='100'}] ''[Amie Wilkinson|Member/Wilkinson_Amie]''
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