!!Linguistic studies \\ The section of __Linguistic Studies__ cherishes two essential characteristics: (i) a complete open-mindedness on all the sub-domains of the scientific study of language and languages (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse analysis, language acquisition, etc.), as well as on the various theoretical and methodological trends (formal, functional, cognitive, computational linguistics, philology, historical and comparative linguistics, psycho- and neuro-linguistics, etc.); (ii) a focus on the recent research activities that are actively interdisciplinary, as they will spark the dynamics of the disciplinary framework and favoring the enrichment of scientific inspiration through diversification of research beyond disciplinary boundaries. As a consequence, no constraints on either the sub-discipline, the particular topic of research or the cultural context will be required for the members of the Academia Europaea. \\ \\ !Chairperson: %%chairperson [{Image src='ralli_angela.jpg' height='100' }]''[Angela Ralli|User/Ralli_Angela]'' %% !Section Committee: %%columns-500 %%committee-left [{Image src='McNally_Louise-aug22_mini.jpg' height='100' }]''[Louise McNally, Vice-Chair|Member/McNally_Louise]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Bertinetto_Pier.jpg' height='100' }]''[Pier Marco Bertinetto|User/Bertinetto_Pier]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Ernestus_Mirjam_mini.jpg' height='100' }]''[Mirjam Ernestus|Member/Ernestus_Mirjam]'' %% %% \\ \\ %%columns-500 ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Kuemmel_Martin_Joachim.jpeg' height='100' }]''[Martin Kümmel|Member/Kümmel_Martin_Joachim]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Ledgeway_Adam_mini.jpg' height='100' }]''[Adam Ledgeway|Member/Ledgeway_Adam]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Steedman_Mark.jpg' height='100' }]''[Mark Steedman|Member/Steedman_Mark]'' %% %%