!!Governance, Institutions and Policies \\ The __Governance, Institutions and Policies__ section explores issues of governance and policy. It also emphasizes and contributes to studies in three substantive areas, namely education, health and welfare. In this endeavour the section draws on previous achievements of the Academy in the field of research on education. In this field a major focus has been the [Higher Education, Research and Culture in European Societies|Acad_Main/Activities/HERCulES] (HERCULES) programme which has organised a number of conferences in association with bodies such as the [Wenner Gren Foundations|http://www.swgc.org/welcome.aspx], the Volkswagen Foundation and the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (although members of other sections have also contributed). Section members come from a range of disciplines, including political science, policy studies, education, sociology, social policy and welfare studies as well as from public health research. \\ \\ !Chairperson: %%chairperson [{Image src='User/Kettunen_Pauli/Kettunen_Pauli_2014.jpg' height='100'}]''[Pauli Kettunen|User/Kettunen_Pauli]'' %% !Section Committee: %%columns-620 %%committee-left [{Image src='Bartolini_Stefano_mini.jpg' height='100'}]''[Stefano Bartolini|Member/Bartolini_Stefano]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Leisyte_Liudvika_mini.jpg' height='100'}]''[Liudvika Leišytė|Member/Leišytė_Liudvika]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Matei_Liviu_mini.jpg' height='100'}]''[Liviu Matei|Member/Matei_Liviu]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='User/Singh-Manoux_Archana/arch2bis.1.jpg' height='100' }]''[Archana Singh-Manoux|User/Singh-Manoux_Archana]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='White_Jonathan_mini.jpg' height='100' }]''[Jonathan White|Member/White_Jonathan]'' %% %% \\ \\