!!Ecology and Evolution \\ Members of the __Ecology and Evolution Section__ come from a range of disciplines within the Life Sciences whose aim is to describe, understand and conserve biological diversity, to discover the processes which produce and maintain this diversity, and to understand the role of biological diversity in the functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and their resilience to environmental change, and more generally, complex biological systems. Members are aware of the ongoing decline in biodiversity and degradation of ecosystems and the ecosystem services they provide, and are exploring ways to reverse these trends. Members have particular expertise in ecology and evolution at the level of organisms, populations, multi-species assemblages, and ecosystems. The section therefore includes members from disciplines such as behavioural ecology, biogeography, botany, conservation biology, ecophysiology, evolutionary ecology, evolutionary developmental biology, evolutionary genetics mathematical and theoretical biology, paleobiology, population and community ecology, restoration ecology, systematics and phylogenetics, zoology. \\ \\ !Chairperson: %%chairperson [{Image src='Baldi_Andras_thumb.jpg' height='100' }]''[András Báldi|Member/Báldi_András]'' %% \\ !Section Committee: %%columns-550 %%committee-left ''[Per Erik Ahlberg|Member/Ahlberg_Per_Erik]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Bardgett_Richard_thumb.jpg' height='100'}]''[Richard Bardgett|Member/Bardgett_Richard]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Edwards_Dianne_thumb.jpg' height='100'}]''[Dianne Edwards|User/Edwards_Dianne]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Fernandez_Palacios_Jose_Maria_mini.jpg' height='100'}]''[José María Fernández-Palacios|Member/Fernández-Palacios_José_María]'' %% %% \\ \\ %%columns-400 %%committee-left [{Image src='Fresco_Louise_thumb.jpg' height='100'}]''[Louise Fresco|User/Fresco_Louise]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Hassell_Michael.jpg' height='100'}]''[Mike Hassell|Member/Hassell_Michael]'' %% ---- %%committee-left [{Image src='Thebaud_Christophe_thumb.jpg' height='100'}] ''[Christophe Thébaud|Member/Thébaud_Christophe]'' %% %% \\ \\