[{Image src='artemieva_irina_lithosphere.jpg' caption='' height='400' alt='The Lithosphere' class='image_left'}]
__"The Lithosphere", a new book in Solid Earth Geophysics (ca. 800 pages with 415 figues) by Irina Artemieva has been published by Cambridge University Press in 2011.__
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''__Preface by the publisher:__''
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"Modern studies of Earth science suffer from fragmentation into a
large number of sub-disciplines with limited dialog between them,
and artificial distinctions between the results based on different
approaches. This problem has been particularly acute in the area of
lithospheric research, where different geophysical techniques have
given rise to a multitude of definitions of the lithosphere – seismic,
thermal, electrical, mechanical, and petrological.

This book presents a coherent synthesis of our current state-of-the art
knowledge in lithosphere studies based on a full set of geophysical
methods (seismic reflection, refraction, and receiver function methods;
elastic and anelastic seismic tomography; electromagnetic and
magnetotelluric methods; thermal, gravity and rheological models) and
complemented by petrologic and laboratory data on rock properties. It
also provides a critical discussion of the uncertainties, assumptions, and
resolution issues that are inherent in the different methods and models.

Multi-disciplinary in scope, global in geographical extent, and covering
a wide variety of tectonics settings across 3.5 billion years of Earth
history, this book presents a comprehensive overview of the lithospheric
structure and evolution. It is a core reference for researchers and
advanced students in geophysics, geodynamics, tectonics, petrology,
and geochemistry, and for petroleum and mining industry professionals."

|Metadata: New book by Irina Artemieva