[{Image src='Foundation_Lefoulon_Delalande.jpg' caption='' height='140' class='image_right' alt='Foundation Lefoulon Delalande'}]

Created in 2002, the Grand Prize will be given each year to a scientist or clinician who has made important contributions to __cardiovascular physiology, biology, or medicine__. Taken in the widest sense, these fields also include reconstructive surgery and the replacement of damaged tissues, physiology, pharmacoly and therapeutic approaches, epidemiology and genetics, cell behaviour, molecular mechanisms and regeneration, gene and cell therapies, development and congenital malformations.
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__Scientific Grand Prize of an amount of 600,000 euros.__

!Scientific Grand Prize will be awarded in 2022 under the following conditions:

*A nominating proposal by a distinguished scientist using the official form (downloadable on the website : www.institut-de-france.fr )
*A curriculum vitae of the candidate (1 page)
*A description of the scientific achievements of the candidate focusing especially on those contributions that deserve the Grand Prize (2 pages maximum)
*A list of 10 major publications
*Additional documents will not be taken into consideration
__Please note:__
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1) The Institut de France requires that the dossier be presented in English\\
2) A candidacy can only be accepted if:\\the official nominating form, established by a distinguished scientist, has been duly completed\\all required documents for establishing a dossier are included\\
3) A candidacy that was not selected in the previous years can be resubmitted provided that the project is updated\\
4) Members of the Institut de France are not eligible.

!The dossier must be mailed electronically as one continuous pdf file to the following electronic address:

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For all further information, please contact the Foundations Office:\\
Tél. : 01 44 41 44 48 – E-mail: [anne.baechler@institutdefrance.fr|mailto:anne.baechler@institutdefrance.fr]
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The call for nominations is also consultable to the following website:\\
Download the [nomination form|Appel_a_candidature_Lefoulon_prix_2022_ENG.pdf]
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!Previous Years
*__2002: [Pr Salvador Moncada|Member/Moncada_Salvador] __ MAE, professor of experimental and therapeutic biology at the Royal College of London and director of the Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research.

*__2003: Pr Robert J. Lefkowitz__ of the Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina (United States) for ''his very important discoveries in the field of the family of transmembrane helix receptors''.

*2004: __Pr Attilio Maseri__ of the « Vita e Salute » University at the San Raffaele Hospital of Milano in Italy for ''his work, in particular that in clinical research into the importance of vasomotor phenomena in the various manifestations of angina pectoris''.

*__2005: Pr Harold F. Dvorak__ (Harvard Medical School – Boston MA – United States), __Napoleone Ferrara__ (Genentech – San Francisco CA – United States) and __Moses Judah Folkman__ (Children’s Hospital – Boston MA – United States) for ''their research work allowing the identification, cloning and initial clinical applications of VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor)''.

*__2006: Pr Philipp Bonhoeffer__, director of the cardiac catherisation laboratory at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London, and __Pr Francis Fontan__, honorary professor of cardiac surgery at the University of Bordeaux II, for ''their research work in the cardiovascular field''.

*__2007: Pr Christine and Jonathan Seidman__ of the Medicine and Genetics Department of the Harvard Medical School of Boston, for ''their research resulting in the discovery of the genes involved in certain acquired or congenital heart diseases.''

*__2008: [Pr Dario DiFrancesco|Member/DiFrancesco_Dario]__ MAE of the Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Department (Molecular Physiology and Neurobiology Laboratory) of the University of Milano for ''his research work resulting in the discovery of ion channels involved in the regulation of heart rhythm.''

*__2009: Pr Eric Olson__, head of the Department of Molecular Biology at the Texas South Western Medical Center University in Dallas, for ''his work on the mechanisms of action of the regulatory genes responsible for heart development, opening up new therapeutics possibilities in the fight against heart disease.''

*__2010: Pr Michel Haïssaguerre__, director of the Department of Cardiac Arrhythmia at the University Hospital of Bordeaux, for ''his revolutionary discoveries in the field of cardiac arrhythmias and more particularly his work into the causes and treatment of atrial and ventricular fibrillations''.

*__2011: Pr Valentin Fuster__, director of the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York for ''his work on atherothrombosis and the role of platelets in the blockage of the arteries.''

*__2012: Pr William G. Kaelin__ (Howard Hughes Medical Institute – United States), __Peter J. Ratcliffe__ (department of Medicine at the University of Oxford – United Kingdom) and __Gregg L. Semenza__ (the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine – Baltimore – United States) ''for the discoveries of the mechanisms that control the response of cells, tissues and whole organisms to changes in the levels of oxygen''.

*__2013: Pr Garret A. FitzGerald__, chair of the department of pharmacology and director of the Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics at the University of Pennsylvania, and __[Carlo Patrono|Member/Patrono_Carlo]__ MAE, chair of the department of pharmacology at the Catholic University School of Medicine in Rome, for ''their research work on the role of low dose aspirin for the prevention of myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accidents''.

*__2014: Pr Adolfo J. de Bold__, professor emeritus at the University of Ottawa (Canada), for ''his ground-breaking discovery of the cardiac hormone atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and of its effects on the blood pressure and the blood volume''. 

*__2015: Dr. Albert Starr__, director of Knight Cardiovascular Institute, Oregon Health & Science University, ''for his ground-breaking implantation of the first successful artificial heart valve and which contributed since to improve the treatment of the cardiac valvulopathies.
*__2016: [Pr Elisabetta Dejana|Member/Dejana_Elisabetta]__ MAE (FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology Foundation, Milan), and __Elisabeth Tournier-Lasserve__ (UFR Médecine Paris Diderot) for ''their breakthrough discoveries on brain blood vessel development and disease''.

*2017: __Pr Alain Cribier__, CHU Charles Nicolle (Rouen), for ''his research work which led at performed the first in-human implantation of an aortic valve using cardiac catheterization''.

*__2018: Pr Catherine Boileau__ (Hôpital Bichat AP-HP, Université Paris Diderot, Paris), __Helen Hobbs__ (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, United States) and __Nabil Seidah__ (Clinical Research Institute of Montreal, Canada), for ''their research having led to the identification of PCSK9, a major regulator of cholesterol metabolism.''

*__2019: Pr Peter J. Schwartz__ (Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan) and __Pedro Brugada__ (Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Belgium), for ''their research in the field of heart arrhythmias that lead to sudden cardiac death''.

*2020 : Not awarded due to COVID 19.

*__2021: Pr. Gordon Keller__ (Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Canada) and Pr. Christine Mummery (Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands), for ''their research on the derivation of different cardiac cell types from pluripotent stem cells and the use of this in vitro system for studying human heart disease and drug treatment''.