!! Academia Europaea - Publications !2018 *[30 years Academia Europaea Anniversary Brochure|Acad_Main/News_Archive/30 years Academia Europaea] *[Brexit, Nationality and Union Citizenship: Bottom Up|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/BREXIT NATIONALITY AND UNION CITIZENSHIP] by [Hans Ulrich Jessurun d'Oliveira|Member/Jessurun_d'Oliveira_Ulrich] !2015 *[Research ‘Values’ in the Humanities: Funding Policies, Evaluation and Cultural Resources|Acad_Main/News_Archive/Special Issue Humanities]. Special issue of ''Humanities'' (January 2015). __Guest editor:__ [Cinzia Ferrini|User/Ferrini_Cinzia] (Department of Humanities, University of Trieste) !2010 *[Wolfgang Reisig's|User/Reisig_Wolfgang] presentation at [AEICS August 31, 2010|Acad_Main/Sections/Informatics/Activities/AIECS] on ["Forecasting Earthquakes"|100831-Seismic_Early_Warning.ppt] *[Ivan Havel's|User/Havel_Ivan] presentation ["Seeing Numbers"|100831-Havel-Seeing-Numbers.ppt] at [AEICS August 31, 2010|Acad_Main/Sections/Informatics/Activities/AIECS]. ([Full article|10-08-31-Havel-Seeing-Numbers.pdf]) (pdf) \\ \\ \\ %%(display:none;) !The Tree - The former Newsletter of the Academy and the Bulletin \\ The Academia Europaea's regular publication The Tree is available as a PDF download from the [Newsletter section|http://www.acadeuro.org/index.php?id=25] of the main server. It has been replaced by the Bulleting (that is mailed with the European Review) and the E-Zine, see below.\\ ! The E-zine \\ E-zine has been published (as the name says) in [electronic form|http://www.acadeuro.org/index.php?id=25] quite regularly. (See very bootom of page!) We will provide information that is "reasonably stable in time" [here.|Acad_Main/Publications/E-Zine]\\ %%