!!Annual Plenary Conferences of the Academia - Archive Each year the Academia organises an international conference, as an integral part of the annual general meeting. These conferences aim to engage all sectional interests of the Academia and are therefore broad in scope and of a highly interdisciplinary nature. \\ \\ The meetings are open to the general public and to staff and students of the hosting institution. These meetings generally attract many participants from across all disciplinary interests of the Academia. Papers presented at the conference, together with the text of the Erasmus lecture, are reviewed for publication in the European Review. Since 1998, the annual conferences have followed overarching themes. \\ \\ *[35th Annual Conference of Academia Europaea (AE) in Wrocław, Poland and the meeting of Young Academy of Europe (YAE)|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Building Bridges 2024], 26-28 November 2024, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław **[Short video|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Building Bridges 2024_video]: [Professor Arkadiusz Wójs|Member/Wójs_Arkadiusz], the Academic Director of the organizing Wrocław Knowledge Hub and Rector of the hosting Wrocław University of Science and Technology, presents some of the highlights of the upcoming conference **[Photo gallery|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Building_Bridges_2024_Photo_Gallery] \\ *[34th Annual Conference of Academia Europaea (AE) and 12th of the Young Academy of Europe|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Building Bridges 2023 Munich], 9-11 October 2023, Munich **[Photo gallery|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Building_Bridges_2023_Photo_Gallery] \\ *[33rd Annual Member Conference of Academia Europaea (AE) and Young Academy of Europe (YAE)|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Academia Europaea 33rd Annual Conference 2022], October 26-27, 2022, Barcelona\\ **[Recordings|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Building Bridges 2022 Photo Gallery and Recordings] \\ *[32nd Annual Member Conference of Academia Europaea (AE) and Young Academy of Europe (YAE)|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Academia Europaea 32nd Annual Conference 2021], October 20-21, 2021, Barcelona and virtual conference \\ *[31th Annual Plenary Conference of Academia Europaea|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Academia Europaea 31st Annual Conference 2019], October 23-24, 2019, Barcelona %%(display:none;) **[Photo gallery|http://barcelona.acadeuro.org/bkhaction/gallery/ae-building-bridges-2019-barcelona/ae-building-bridges-barcelona-biomedical-research-park-24-10-2019] %% \\ *[30th Annual Plenary Conference of the Academia Europaea|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Academia Europaea 30th Annual Conference 2018], 28 - 29 November, 2018, Barcelona, Spain **[Physics and Engineering Sciences Barcelona Workshop.|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Physics and Engineering Sciences Barcelona Workshop] 2018 Inaugural lectures by new members of the Physics and Engineering Sciences section, 28 November 2018, Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC), Barcelona \\ *[29th Annual Plenary Conference of the Academia Europaea|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Academia Europaea 29th Annual Conference 2017], 4-6 September 2017, Budapest, Hungary **[2017 Budapest AE-Pre-conference workshops|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/2017 Budapest AE Pre-conference workshops], September 3-4, 2017 \\ *[28th Annual Plenary Conference of the Academia Europaea|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Cardiff_2016] - June 26 - 29, 2016, Cardiff, United Kingdom \\ *[27th Annual Plenary Conference of the Academia Europaea|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Academia Europaea 27th Annual Conference 2015], 7-10 September, 2015, Darmstadt, Germany \\ *[26th Annual Plenary Conference of the Academia Europaea, 16|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Barcelona_2014] - 18 July, 2014, Barcelona, Spain **[Field Trip to Cardona|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Barcelona_2014/Field Trip to Cardona] **[Multisection Workshop: Film, Theater and the Political|ae2014_sw_film.pdf], Friday 18 July 2014 **[Multisession Workshop Informatics|SW_Info_201405071.pdf] Friday 18 July 2014 \\ *[25th Anniversary Conference of the Academia Europaea|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Wroclaw_2013], 16 - 19 September, 2013, Wroclaw, Poland **[Report|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Wroclaw_2013/Report] \\ *[24th Annual Plenary Conference of the Academia Europaea|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Bergen_2012], 10 - 13 September, 2012, Bergen, Norway \\ *[23rd Annual Plenary Conference of the Academia Europaea|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Paris_2011], 20 - 22 September, 2011, Paris, France. **[Report|Acad_Main/Plenary_Conferences/Paris_2011/Report]