!!Member payments: click on the Donate button
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This facility is __to be used by members of the Academia Europaea__ for the payment of __the annual member fee__, __new member establishment fees__ and for any other __voluntary donations__ for the current financial year 1 January to 31 December 2025 and for members who are elected in 2025.

The Bank has asked that anyone using the online facility MUST NOT use a corporate card (for example a University or Institute card) – UNLESS it has a personal name on the card (not just the name of the institute or department). Corporate cards may be rejected. It is therefore better to use a personal card.
*The __online payment facility__ (use the Donate button above) is hosted by the Academia Europaea bank - The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). This is a specialist Bank. It is also, itself, a UK registered charity.

*The Bank provides us with support to process your membership payment and also any general donations.

*The payment form is hosted on the Banks own secure server not the Academy server and is therefore completely safe. The Bank will send you an __email receipt__ when your payment has been correctly submitted. It will be sent to the email address entered when making the transaction.

*The payment will appear on your credit or debit card statement as ‘Donate via CAF Internet’. But please be assured, the payment will reach us. 

*__NOTE: If you are a UK based member and pay tax in the UK, then please "Gift Aid" your payment.__

!To proceed with a payment please click on the %%(color:red)Donate%% button at the top of this page.

!FOR 2025 the recommended FEE STRUCTURE is:

*__Establishment Fee__ for new members __elected in 2025:__  %%(color:red)200 Euros [[or 168 GBP]%%.

*__Members up to and including 65 years of age:__ %%(color:red)200 Euro [[or 168 GBP]%% 

*__Members 66 - 75 years of age:__ %%(color:red)125 Euro [[or 100 GBP]%%  

*__Members over 75:__ 40 Euros  [[35 GBP]

*__Foreign members:__ %%(color:red)200 Euro [[or GBP 168]%%


If your personal circumstances mean that you cannot pay at the recommended age-related level please pay at whichever level is possible. If you cannot pay at any level, please try to make some contribution, or ask for an exemption by contacting the Executive Secretary.


*We prefer __online payment__; it is secure and provides you with an instant receipt.

*But if necessary, you can also pay by __bank transfer__ in Euros or Sterling. See the [payment details|Academia_Europaea_How_to_pay_membership_fee_2025.pdf].

*__Credit card__ (only use this form if you want the London office to process the payment for you). See the [payment details|Academia_Europaea_How_to_pay_membership_fee_2025.pdf].
__Please use the reference in your e-letter for the transfer:__
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__This information must be provided to connect the payment to the specific member!__
__Account in the name of:__ Academia Europaea\\
__Bank name:__ National Westminster (NatWest)\\
__Bank address:__ NatWest Regent Street, 250 Regent Street, London, W1B 3BN, UNITED KNGDOM\\
__If paying in Euros transfer to Euro account:__ 
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__Account number:__ 550/00/48026999\\
__Iban:__ GB19 NWBK 6072 1148 0269 99\\
__Branch (clearing) code:__ 50 41 01
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__If__ %%(color:red)not%% __paying in Euros transfer to:__
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__Account number:__ 45168156\\
__Iban:__ GB07 NWBK 504101 4516 8156\\
__Branch code:__ 50 41 01\\
!Life membership payments

Members can opt to make a once only payment for life. It is an age-related scale. If you choose to do this, you will no longer be sent the annual payment reminder mailings.  Please read the [life membership payments document|Academia_Europaea_Lifetime_payment_information_2025.pdf].
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*Read the [detailed information and instructions|Academia_Europaea_How_to_pay_membership_fee_2025.pdf] about the payment of the Annual Membership Fee (January 2025).

*__PROBLEMS? CLICK [HERE|Acad_Main/Payments/Membership_payments/Error message] FOR POSSIBLE STEP BY STEP HELP.__

At the moment it seems that the CAF-bank website (Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)), which handles the membership fee online-form, has some technical difficulties. So if you do not see the donate button above please use the following link instead:


If the link is not working either, please check back in a few days or use the bank transfer method is stated in the document below. Sorry for the inconvenience, we are trying to solve this problem.