!!Events announced at the AE website \\ !EVENTS 2025 *["Zebrafish models of brain disorders"|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Neuroscience Seminar]: Neuroscience Seminar by Allan Kalueff, 24%%sup th/% March, 2025, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, China. *[Drugs and cell trafficking: Lessons from calcium channels|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Drugs and cell trafficking], 19%%sup th/% March 2025, online event, organized by the Cardiff Knowledge Hub. *[Solar Radiation Modification webinar series|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Solar Radiation Modification webinar series], 23%%sup rd/% January 2025, 3%%sup rd/% February 2025 and 11%%sup th/% March 2025, online event, organized by the Cardiff Knowledge Hub. *[Invitation to Online Launch Event of EASAC New Commentary: "Increasing Urgency for Transformative Change"|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Invitation to Online Launch Event of EASAC New Commentary], 6%%sup th/% March, online event. *[Critical Minerals – how can science and technology help deliver the UK Strategy?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Critical Minerals] 24%%sup th/% February, 2025, The Geological Society, London and online. !EVENTS 2024 *[The Books That Made Me - with Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The Books That Made Me - with Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge], 5%%sup th/% December 2024, The British Academy, London and online. *[Philology and the narrative heritage Conference|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Philology and the narrative heritage conference]. Biennial Conference of the World Philology Union 2024. 4-6 December 2024, coorganized by Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub. *[AI: what does it mean for research, for society and for you?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/AI what does it mean for research, for society and for you?], 20%%sup th/% November 2024, Cardiff University, United Kingdom. *[Scientific meeting of Nobel Laureates and talented students|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/SCIENTISTS MEETING OF NOBEL LAUREATES], 6-9 December, 2024, Szeged, Hungary. *[The European Scientific Advice Mechanism: How evidence-informed policymaking works in a Union of 27 states|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/SAM Policymaking], 13%%sup th/% November 2024, online event. *[The European Scientific Advice Mechanism: How evidence informs environment policy|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/How Evidence Informs Environment Policy], 6%%sup th/% November 2024, online event. *[The Triangle Neuroscience Conference 2024|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The Triangle Neuroscience Conference 2024], 23%%sup rd/% - 25%%sup th/% September 2024, China. *[Strengthening democracy in Europe: what can be done?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Strengthening democracy in Europe], Webinar, 24%%sup th/% September 2024.\\Watch [the recording|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT1VBYgQ2i0] of the event. *[AI Challenges for European Research and Academia|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/AI Challenges for European Research and Academia], London, UK, 4-5 September 2024.\\[Meeting summary|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/AI Challenges for European Research and Academia/AI Challenges Meeting] *[22nd European Bioenergetics Conference 2024 (EBEC2024)|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/22nd European Bioenergetics Conference 2024], Innsbruck, Austria, 26%%sup th/% - 31%%sup st/% August 2024.\\[Meeting summary|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/22nd European Bioenergetics Conference 2024/Meeting Summary]. *[Reaching out to society: how academies can maximise the impact of their public engagement|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-presents/Reaching out to society], online event organized by Cardiff Knowledge Hub, 12%%sup th/% July 2024. *[The Transatlantic Big Science Conference|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The Transatlantic Big Science Conference], Berlin, Germany, June 27-28, 2024. *[Symons Gold Medal Lecture|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Symons Gold Medal Lecture] held by Professor Michael Edgeworth McIntyre, member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section. The Symons Gold Medal Lecture is awarded by the Royal Meteorological Society. Zoom, 15%%sup th/% May 2024. *[AI and academic publishing: What does the future hold for authors, readers and publishers?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/AI and Academic Publishing], Zoom, 13%%sup th/% May, 2024. *[Boosting research impact: Policy engagement for Early-Career Researchers|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Boosting research impact], Zoom, 8%%sup th/% May 2024. *[Women in medieval music: musicology and interpretation|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Women in medieval music - musicology and interpretation], Brussels, 20%%sup th/% March 2024. \\ ---- !EVENTS 2023 *[Public Humanities Mentoring Workshop|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Public Humanities Mentoring Workshop], 7%%sup th/% December 2023. *[FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY: ACADEMIC RESEARCHERS’ PUBLIC ADVOCACY: Can researchers engage in the public debate in the name of academic freedom without questioning their impartiality and their credibility?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/FREEDOM AND RESPONSIBILITY] Brussels, 23''rd'' November, 2023. *[International Conference on Global Humanities and the Construction of China’s Independent Knowledge System|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/International Conference on Global Humanities]. Nanjing University, October 27–29, 2023. *[The Anthropocene: from boundaries to bonds. Interdisciplinary crossovers in knowledge development|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The Anthropocene from boundaries to bonds], Wrocław, Poland, 19-20 October 2023. The event was organized by Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub. *[Writing transcultural literary history in a globalized world|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Writing_transcultural_literary_history]. Curien Fund supported Symposium at SCAS in Uppsala, 11 - 12 October 2023. *[Cell Signalling: A meeting in memory of Tullio Pozzan|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Cell Signalling A meeting in memory of Tullio Pozzan], Palazzo Corsini, Rome, 5 – 6 October 2023. *[FRONTIERS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY: Understanding the brain: neurobiology or neuro computer sciences?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Understanding the brain neurobiology or neuro computer sciences], Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub, 4%%sup th/% October 2023. *[XII International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/New Frontiers in Physics], Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, July 10 - July 22, 2023. *[Science and scholarship in a changing Europe|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Science and scholarship in a changing Europe]. Celebratory event marking 30 years of the European Review (1993-2023), Wolfson College, Lee Hall, University of Cambridge, 3%%sup rd/% July 2023. *[Picturing the Quran|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/PICTURING THE QURAN], Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest, 16%%sup th/% June 2023. *[A celebration of the life and work of Maria Rosa Antognazza (1964 – 2023)|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/A celebration of the life and work of Maria Rosa Antognazza (1964 – 2023)], Strand Building, London, 14%%sup th/% June 2023. *[ERC Starting Grant Mentoring Event – Narrative CVs and Evaluation|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/ERC Starting Grant Mentoring Event 2023], co-organized by the Young Academy of Europe and the AE Budapest Knowledge Hub, 31%%sup st/% May, 2023. *[The Future of Gas|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The Future of Gas], easac event, The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, 24%%sup th/% May, 2023. *[18th International Conference on Contemporary Narratives in English - Recent Approaches to the Posthuman: Cultural Reflections on the (Post-)Human Condition|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Contemporary Narratives in English], University of Zaragoza, Spain, May 15 - 17, 2023. *[Publishing in Academia: Digital Challenges|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/WGC Conference Publishing in Academia]. Academia Europaea & The Wenner-Gren Foundations International Symposium, May 10 - 12, 2023. *[Be prepared - can we forecast the next crisis and be ready to manage it?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/CAN WE FORECAST THE NEXT CRISIS] SAPEA Webinar, 17%%sup th/% April, 2023. *[Open Session on EASAC’s Report on Neonicotinoids and their Substitutes in Sustainable Pest Control|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Open Session on EASAC’s Report on Neonicotinoids]. Presentation of EASAC's latest report on Neonicotinoids in cooperation with the Academie Europaea Budapest Hub, 29%%sup th/% March 2023. *[Frontlines of Urban Conservation and Restoration|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Frontlines of Urban Conservation and Restoration]. Organized by the by the Academia Europaea Budapest Knowledge Hub, 22%%sup nd/% March 2023. *[Physiology & Pathophysiology 2023 Symposium|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Physiology and Pathophysiology 2023 Symposium]. International symposium co-sponsored by the APS and the Leopoldina, and co-organised by the APS journal Function, AE’s Cardiff University Hub and the Leopoldina, 7 - 8 March 2023. *[Science Education Can Build Bridges|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Science Education Can Build Bridges]. Workshop organized by the Academia Europaea Budapest Knowledge Hub, 20%%sup th/% February 2023. *[Putting people first: how do we care for each other, build resilience and solidarity in a world in crisis?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Putting people first] A joint event between the European Group on Ethics, SAPEA and Academia Europaea, 31%%sup st/% January 2023. [Video recordning of the event|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoyBTJgJtiw&t=4s] available. *[Publishing ethics and integrity in a changing research environment|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Publishing ethics and integrity]. Webinar organized by the European Alliance for Social Sciences (EASSH), 24%%sup th/% January 2023, 11 CET. \\ ---- !EVENTS 2022 *[Inclusive Research and Innovation ecosystems in Europe: what works, and how do we convince our stakeholders?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Inclusive Research and Innovation Ecosystems]. Webinar, 7%%sup th/% December 2022. *[Academia Europaea-CEU-GLO Labor Symposium|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Academia Europaea-CEU-GLO Labor Symposium], 2%%sup nd/% December, 2022. *[Changing minds or changing systems to avert dangerous climate change?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Changing minds or changing systems] Webinar co-organised with the Academia Europaea Environment Taskforce, 29%%sup th/% November 2022. *[The More Who Die, the Less We Care: Confronting the Deadly Arithmetic of Compassion and the World’s Urgent Problems|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The more who die, the less we care]. Webinar organized by Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub, Olga Tokarczuk Ex-Centre, Academic Research Centre and the University of Wrocław, 23%%sup rd/% October 2022. *[A colloquium about the life and work of a Romanian scholar and writer, Ioan Petru Culianu|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Ioan Petru Culianu], 21-23 October 2022. *[Open Research Europe webinar on Medicine and Health: topics and trends|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Webinar on Medicine and Health], 20%%sup th/% October 2022. *[International Seminar "Internal QA: Perspectives and Challenges"|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Internal QA Perspectives and Challenges], October 10 - 12, 2022. *[R&I Days 2022 - “The power of the arts for people’s well-being”|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The power of the arts]. Online event. 29%%sup th/% September 2022. *[From Open Science to Innovation, an Engineering Challenge for Europe|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/From Open Science to Innovation]. The yearly Euro‑CASE (The European Council of Academies of Applied Sciences, Technologies, and Engineering) conference. 19%%sup th/% September, 2022. *[ESOF2022 session: The Chair: Fact or Fiction? Addressing the challenges faced by women leaders in academia|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/ESOF2022 session The Chair Fact or Fiction?], online event, 16%%sup th/% July 2022. *[EuroScience Open Forum: Crossing Borders, Engaged Science, Resilient Societies|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/ESOF2022], Leiden, 13 - 16 July 2022. *[Transforming Science: Pathways Towards Sustainability and Trustworthiness|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Transforming Science], ALLEA symposium, 11 May 2022 - 12 May 2022. *[The Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions|Acad_Main/Activities/HERCulES/Events/Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions], Uppsala University, May 4 - 6 2022. *[Science advice at times of crisis: what roles for universities and academies?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Science advice at times of crisis]. A joint event between Universities Policy Engagement Network (UPEN), Academia Europaea, Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS), Research Impact Canada, South African Higher Education Community Engagement Forum (SAHECEF), Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA). *[Call for papers|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Call for papers]. Dis/Orientations and Dis/Entanglements in Contemporary Literature and Culture: An International Conference University of Málaga (Spain) 21-23 September, 2022. Extended deadline for abstracts: 22%%sup nd/% April, 2022. *[Open Session on EASAC’s Report “Regenerative Agriculture in Europe”|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Regenerative Agriculture in Europe]. Organized by EASAC, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the AE Budapest Hub, 6%%sup th/% April 2022. *[17th International Conference on Contemporary Narratives in English: Transmodern Literatures of(f) the limit|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/TRANSMODERN LITERATURES OF(F) THE LIMIT]. University of Zaragoza, Spain, 30%%sup th/% March - 1%%sup st/% April 2022. *[The Diamond Open Access Model: what impact on research?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Diamond Open Access Model]. The webinar is jointly organized by Academia Europaea Cardiff, KU Leuven Libraries and the Young Academy of Europe, 28%%sup th/% March 2022. \\ ---- !EVENTS 2021 *[COST Info Session|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/COST Info Session] organized by the COST Association, in collaboration with the Academia Europaea, the Academia Europaea Budapest Knowledge Hub, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH). Hybrid format, 10''th'' December 2021, Budapest, Hungary. *[Predatory Academic Journals and Conferences|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Predatory Academic Journals and Conferences], online webinar, 19th November 2021. *[ERC Starting Grant Mentoring Event|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/ERC Starting Grant Mentoring Event], online event, 11%%sup th/% November 2021. *[Transitioning to New Energy Systems|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Transitioning to New Energy Systems], online event, 11th October 2021. *[ICONOCLASM: PAST & PRESENT ISSUES|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/ICONOCLASM], 4 - 6 October 2021, Wroclaw, Poland. *[Webinar “Getting Recognized by ACM Awards and Honors”|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Getting Recognized by ACM Awards and Honors], October 1, 2021. *[Moiré Twistronics workshop 2021|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Moiré Twistronics workshop 2021], August 9 - August 13, 2021. *[THE TIME OF IDEAS: PROBLEMS OF TEMPORALITY IN INTELLECTUAL HISTORY|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/THE TIME OF IDEAS]. International conference, June 18-19, 2021. *[PERITIA Public Lectures|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/PERITIA Public Lectures] [[Un]Truths: Trust in an Age of Disinformation, April - June, 2021. *[European Visions of the Qur’ān in the Middle Ages (9th-15th centuries)|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/European Visions of the Qur’ān in the Middle Ages], online event, 20-21 May 2021. *[Human Resources Challenges|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Human Resources Challenges], Virtual workshop, May 17, 2021. *[The health care sector – leading the way to the net zero carbon economy|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The health care sector], Webinar, 10 May, 2021. *[Across Boundaries in Sciences|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Across Boundaries in Sciences], 5 May 2021. *[cOAlition S webinar: The Rights Retention Strategy and what it means for EU13 & Associated Countries|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/cOAlition S Webinar], 12 April 2021. *[Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining - Experiences and Prospects of Education and Research in the light of the Pandemic|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining]. Webinar organized by the Academia Europaea Budapest Knowledge Hub. March 26, 2021. *[Research integrity: how can we support and protect early-career researchers in cases of scientific misconduct?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Research integrity], 22nd March 2021, webinar. *[SHAPE-ID: Shaping interdisciplinary practices in Europe|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/SHAPE-ID], 18 February 2021, webinar. *[BICENTENNIAL OF THE GREEK REVOLUTION: The Greek Revolution in the Age of Revolutions (1776-1848) Reappraisals and Comparisons|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/BICENTENNIAL OF THE GREEK REVOLUTION], International Online Conference, 12-13 March 2021. *[Digital media in crisis situations|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Digital media in crisis situations], 1st March 2021. Webinar organized by the Cardiff Knowledge Hub. *[18TH VIENNA CONGRESS 2021: „BACK TO THE FUTURE - SZENARIOS FOR THE WORLD WITH/AFTER CORONA"|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/18TH VIENNA CONGRESS 2021], 31st January and 1st February 2021. Livestream event. *[Academia Europaea webinar on ‘New perspectives on COVID-19’|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/New perspectives on COVID-19]. 26th January 2021, online event. *[EurofamNet webinar on "Family Support in the European Context"|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Family Support in the European Context], 22nd January 2021, 11:00 to 14:10, online event. \\ ---- !EVENTS 2020 *[Evidence for Policymakers. An international conference on structuring evidence and data for improved policymaking.|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Evidence for Policymakers] December 15 - 18, 2020. The Hague, The Netherlands. *[JEEM-Edinburgh-Shanghai Climate and Development (Hybrid) Conference: Covid-19 Pandemic and Sustainable Development|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Covid-19 Pandemic and Sustainable Development]. 6 December 2020 Shanghai, China. *[Workshop on COVID-19|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Workshop on COVID-19]. Virtual workshop co-organized by Academia Europaea Economics, Business and Management Sciences section and hosted by the Central European University (CEU). November 23, 2020 *[Euro-CASE 2020 Annual Conference: "Dealing with Challenges of the European Energy Transition"|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Euro-CASE 2020 Annual Conference]. November 20, 2020. Zagreb, Croatia. Online conference. *[Communicating science during the Covid-19 pandemic. EASAC Webinar on Science Communication|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Communicating science during the Covid-19 pandemic]. November 18, 2020 in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien *[Cultural and regional dimensions of global sustainability|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Humanities and Social Sciences for Sustainability]. Online Conference, October 21 & 22, 2020 *[European Research and Innovation Days 2020|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/European Research and Innovation Days 2020], 23 September 2020 *[Scientific Diplomacy for Freedom: Inter-Cultural Dialogue for Science / EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) Trieste 2020|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Scientific Diplomacy for Freedom] University of Trieste (in collaboration with the Academia Europaea) and the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (in collaboration with The World Academy of Sciences), September 4, 2020 *Webinar on ‘[The Future of Translational Medicine|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The Future of Translational Medicine]’, 29 June 2020 *[Royal Irish Academy Workshop on ‘Making Sense of Science for Policy under Conditions of Complexity and Uncertainty’|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Royal Irish Academy Workshop], Academy House, Dublin, Ireland, 11th February 2020 *[Making Sense of Science for Policy - panel discussion at University of Cambridge|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Making Sense of Science for Policy], Magdalene College Cambridge, United Kingdom, 30 January 2020 **[Report|Acad_Main/News_Archive/Making sense of science for policy report] on the panel discussion on the ‘__Making Sense of Science for Policy__’ Evidence Review Report at the University of Cambridge, 30th January 2020 *[VIPSI 2020 Montenegro|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/VIPSI 2020 Montenegro], Splendid Hotel of Budva, Montenegro, December 29, 2019 to January 1, 2020 \\ ---- !EVENTS 2019 *[Future of Science Advice in Europe|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Future of Science Advice in Europe]. International symposium on science advice for policy. Helsinki, Finland, 13 November 2019 *[Excellence in Arts and Sciences - The Huxley Family|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Excellence in Arts and Sciences - The Huxley Family]. International conference to commemorate the 125th anniversary of Aldous Huxley’s birth. Budapest, Hungary, 8 - 9 November 2019 *[The Ninth Convention of the International Association for Ethical Literary Criticism. The Ethico-Political Turn in Literary Studies. The Ethico-Political Turn in Literary Studies: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The Ethico-Political Turn in Literary Studies], Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, November 8-10, 2019 *[The future of research assessing the impact of Plan S|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The future of research assessing the impact of Plan S], Leuven, Belgium, 6 November 2019 **[Report|Acad_Main/Cardiff_Knowledge_Hub_Events/Assessing the Impact of Plan S] from the conference on "The Future of Research: Assessing the impact of Plan S" including the downloadable written report *[ART AND COMPUTERS - WHAT DOES IT MEAN?|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Art and Computers], Venice, Italy, 15 - 16 October 2019 *[Frontiers in Translational Medicine|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Frontiers in Translational Medicine], Budapest, Hungary, 23rd-24th September 2019 *[Yale: 80 in 2019 - "Pushing the Envelope of Computing for the Future"|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Pushing the Envelope of Computing for the Future], symposium is held in honor of Prof. Yale Patt, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, 1 - 2 July 1, 2019 *[Report release|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Asthma still kills] from the meeting: Asthma still kills: Urgent priorities for the international research community to treat, prevent and cure asthma. Held at Hadyn Ellis Building, Cardiff University, 6 November 2018 *[HoTT-UF: Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/HoTT-UF], Oslo, Norway, 12-14 June 2019 *[TYPES 2019: 25th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/TYPES 2019], Oslo, Norway, 11-14 June 2019 *[RNA 2019: The 24th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/RNA 2019], Krakow, Poland, 11-16 June 2019 *[Representation in the time of the posthuman: Transhuman Enhancement in 21st century storytelling|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/REPRESENTATION IN THE TIME OF THE POSTHUMAN], University of Zaragoza, Spain, May 29-31, 2019 *[20th Congress of the Ukrainian Physiological Society - in memoriam Platon Kostyuk MAE|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/20th Congress of the Ukrainian Physiological Society], Kiev, Ukraine, 27-30 May 2019 *[Sovereignty: A Global Perspective|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Sovereignty A Global Perspective], University of St Andrews, United Kingdom, 29-30 April 2019 *[Observatory Synergies for Astroparticle Physics and Geoscience|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Observatory Synergies for Astroparticle Physics and Geoscience], Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, 11-12 February, 2019 **[Report|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Observatory Synergies for Astroparticle Physics and Geoscience/Report] \\ ---- !EVENTS 2018 *[Digital Ontology and Epistemology: between Law, Literature and the Visual Arts International Interdisciplinary Conference|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Digital Ontology and Epistemology], MUseo di Storia Naturale, Verona, Italy, 14 - 16 November 2018 *[Reproducing and Reconstructing Reality: International Conference on Realism(s) in Post-WWII Literature|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Reproducing and Reconstructing Reality], University of Nanjing, China, October 26-28 2018 *[International Course on Antibiotics and Resistance (ICARe)|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/International Course on Antibiotics and Resistance], Les Pensières, Annecy (France), October 6-14, 2018 *[Religious Pluralism and Social Diversity|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Religious Pluralism and Social Diversity], Nantes, France, 3-5 October 2018 *[Human Diversity in Context|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Human Diversity in Context], Trieste, Italy, 25-26 September 2018 *[Crystal Structure Prediction|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Crystal Structure Prediction], Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia, 17-19 September 2018 *[Symposium on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Lars Walløe|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Lars Walløe], former president of Academia Europaea (2008 - 2014) *[The cultures of music in modern Europe (XVII-XIX)|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The cultures of music in modern Europe (XVII-XIX)], Palazzo Economo, Trieste, Italy, March 19-21 2018 *[“From Barranquilla to the World. Universities and Country-Branding|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/From Barranquilla to the World], Spain and Colombia in perspective”, Barranquilla, Colombia, 15th March, 2018 *[Janos Kornai Conference|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Janos Kornai Conference]. Conference to celebrate János Kornai’s 90th birthday at the School of Economics, Corvinus University of Budapest, 21 February 2018. *[Deep Earth Processes and their Surface Expression. Eurasia School of Solid Earth Geosciences|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Deep Earth Processes]\\ 1st International Elite PhD Course, Istanbul Technical University, 22 - 26 January 2018 \\ ---- !EVENTS 2017 *[European Computer Science Summit 2017|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/European Computer Science Summit 2017], Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 October 2017 *[European Research Excellence – Impact and Value for Society|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/European Research Excellence], Tallinn, Estonia, October 12, 2017 *[Trieste Next 2017: Sciences and the Sea workshop|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Trieste Next 2017 Sciences and the Sea], Museo Revoltella Auditorium, Trieste, September 23, 2017 *[The Idea of Europe: The Clash of Projections|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The Idea of Europe], Vienna, Austria, 8-10 Sept 2017 (Event) **[The Idea of Europe: The Clash of Projections|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Call for papers The Idea of Europe], Vienna, 8-10 September, 2017 (Call for Papers) *[ICNFP-2017 - The 6th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/CNFP-2017], Kolymbari, Crete, August 17-29, 2017 *[Standing up for Science Workshop|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/STANDING UP FOR SCIENCE WORKSHOP], Neth-ER, Brussels, Belgium, 9th June 2017 *[The Future of University Development Cooperation Perspectives of Leading Research Universities|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The Future of University Development Cooperation], KU Leuven, Belgium, 2nd of June, 2017 *[Constructal Law & Second Law Conference|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/CLC 2017], Bucharest, Romania, 15-16 May 2017 *[e(motion)Cultural Literacy in Europe: Second Biennial Conference|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/(e)motion], Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 10-12 May 2017 *[A discussion on Brexit: the Impact on Science and Innovation in the UK and the Rest of Europe|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Brexit the scientific impact], on the occasion of Europe Day, The Royal Institution in London, UK, May 8, 2017 *[Transmodern Perspectives on Contemporary Literatures in English|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Transmodern Perspectives on Contemporary Literatures in English], Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, Campus de San Francisco, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, 26th-28th April 2017 \\ ---- !EVENTS 2016 *[As You Law It. Negotiating Shakespeare|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/As You Law It. Negotiating Shakespeare], Verona, Italy, 9-11 November 2016 *[Cultural Literacy in Europe: Second Biennial Conference|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/(e)motion Call for Papers]: Call for papers (deadline October 15, 2016), Warsaw 10-12, May 2017 *[University Governance - Impeding or Facilitating Creativity|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE - IMPEDING OR FACILITATING CREATIVITY], Hannover, September 29th – 30th, 2016. The papers from the symposium will be published in 2017 as a supplement (open access) of The European Review. *[Symmetry, Proportion and Seriality: The Semantics of Mirroring and Repetition in Science and the Arts|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Symmetry, Proportion and Seriality], Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Freiburg, Germany, May 26-28, 2016 \\ ---- !EVENTS 2015 *[Visualising Law: Visual Jurisprudence and Literature|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Visualizing Law], Verona, Italy, 11-13 November 2015 *[AE/AMS Mentoring Skills Workshop: “Building a research career in a changing environment”|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Building a research career in a changing environment], Cardiff, United Kingdom, 27th October 2015 *[Gain of Function: experimental applications relating to potentially pandemic pathogens|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Gain of Function Research], Brussels, Belgium, October 21, 2015 *[World Food Day 2015|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/World Food Day 2015], Portorož, Slovenia, October 16-17, 2015 *[Text, Action and Space (TAS)|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Text Action and Space (TAS)Text Action and Space (TAS)] - Updates from the research project, September 2015 *[TOPO-EUROPE 2015|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/TOPO-EUROPE 2015], Antibes, France, 4 - 7 October, 2015 *[Ion Channels Trimming the Brain|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Ion Channels Trimming the Brain], Kiev, Ukraine, September 24-26, 2015 *[Cardiff Leuven Calcium Signalling Workshop|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Cardiff Leuven Calcium Signalling Workshop], Cardiff University, 14-15 September 2015 *[Geology at Different Scales|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/GEOLOGY AT DIFFERENT SCALES], University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade, 25-28th August 2015 *[International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry], Como Lake, Italy, 23-28 August, 2015 *[NorSAC-2015|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-presentNorSAC-2015], University of Bergen, Norway, 29 July 2015 - 4 August 2015 *[The Many Languages of Comparative Literature|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/The Many Languages of Comparative Literature], University of Vienna , Austria, July 21st – 27th 2016 *[Data for Health and Science|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Data for Health and Science], 16%%sup th/% June, 2015. *[Memory Frictions: Conflict-Negotiation-Politics: International Conference on Contemporary narratives in English|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/MEMORY FRICTIONS - CONFLICT-NEGOTIATION-POLITICS], Centro Joaquín Roncal, Zaragoza, Spain, 6-8 May 2015 *[Cultural Literacy in Europe|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Cultural Literacy in Europe], Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London, 16-18 April 2015 *[New Challenges in the Biomedical Sciences|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/New Challenges in the Biomedical Sciences]: The Parc Hotel Cardiff, Wales, 25th and 26th March 2015 *[Meeting|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Meeting of regional members of Academia Europaea] of regional members of Academia Europaea, March 9, 2015, Wrocław, Poland *[Science of the Future- Future of Science|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Future Science], Second Biennial Conference on EU Science: Global Challenges, Global Collaboration (ES:GC2): Brussels, March 2-5, 2015 \\ ---- !EVENTS 2014 *[Funding Policies and Research Values: Strategies, Prospects, Risks, Needs|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Funding Policies and Research Values - Strategies, Prospects, Risks, Needs]. Workshop organized by Cinzia Ferrini, member of the PHILOSOPHY, THEOLOGY & RELIGIOUS STUDIES section. Venue: Aula Magna of the Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, Trieste, Italy. *[Lecture Series “Frontiers in Biosciences”|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Frontiers in Biosciences], September 30, 2014, Graz, Austria *[Basic and translational neurochemistry: GLIA and neurons in health and disease|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Basic and translational neurochemistry Glia and neurons in health and disease]. UniRi mini-symposium. Department of Biotechnology, University of Rijeka, July 7, 2014. *[Turkey and Europe - Cultural Aspects|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/Turkey and Europe - Cultural Aspects].The conference is co-sponsored by Academia Europaea in collaboration with the Commission for Migration and Integration Research (KMI) of the Austrian Academy of Science and co-sponsored by the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. \\ ---- !EVENTS 2013 *[Topo-Europe 2013 - Earth Sciences|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/TOPO-EUROPE 2013], Heidelberg - Studio of the Villa Bosch (Klaus Tschira Foundation), 6 - 8 June 2013