!!AI Challenges for European Research and Academia\\Meeting summary
The first Workshop on "[AI Challenges for European Research and Academia|Acad_Main/Past_Events/2011-present/AI Challenges for European Research and Academia]” was co-sponsored by Academia Europaea and the CNRS Abraham de Moivre Mathematics Laboratory at Imperial College. It held as on 4-5 September, 2024 at Imperial College, with over forty "live" attendees. 
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The meeting was organized by the __Academia Europaea Task Force on AI__ chaired by [Prof. Erol Gelenbe|Member/Gelenbe_Erol]. The local organization was handled by Prof. Gelenbe, with Prof Dan Crisan and Dr Federica Pratola of Imperial College's Mathematics Department.
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The opening keynote speakers were Prof Eric Xing, President of the Mohammed bin Zayed University of AI (Abu Dhabi), and Ms Zeina Zakhour, CTO of EVIDEN. The speakers, including members of __Academia Europaea__ and the National Academies of France, Poland, Israel, Germany, and other countries, as well as from UCL, Imperial College, King's College London, Cambridge and Oxford Universities, and speakers from Duke University (USA) and Xidian University (China), presented outstanding talks that covered the key research and application areas of Artificial Intelligence, including Machine Learning, Large Language Models, Brain Science, Health Sciences, Material Science, Quantum Neural Networks, as well as Cybersecurity and Privacy, Telecommunications, Power Systems, Computer Hardware for AI and Robotics.
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[{Image src='AI_Challenges_Speakers_Dinner.jpg' caption='Some of the speakers at the Workshop dinner: Yonina Eldar (Weizman Institute), Benoit Macq (Univ. Catholique de Louvain), Payman Barnaghi (ICL), Louis Wehekens (Univ. Liège), Eric Moulines (Ecole Polytechnique), Iryna Gurevych (TU Darmstadt), Erol Gelenbe (IITIS, Polish Academy of Sciences), Samuel Deslauriers-Gauthier (INRIA-Sophia), James Cole (UCL) (from right to left)' height='600' alt='' align='center'}]