!!The 2024 Holberg Week __Date:__ 4-7 June, 2024. \\ \\ __ Join us in celebration of Holberg Laureate [Achille Mbembe|https://holbergprize.org/en/holberg-prize/prize-winners/achille-mbembe], Nils Klim Laureate [Siddharth Sareen|https://holbergprize.org/en/nils-klim-prize/prize-winners/siddharth-sareen] and the Holberg School Programme winners. \\ \\ The annual Holberg Week takes place in the beginning of June as a celebration of the Holberg Prize Laureate, the Nils Klim Prize Laureate, and the Holberg School Programme finalists. The Holberg Week includes a number of events that features the Laureates as well as other prominent guests from Norway and abroad.__ \\ \\ Most events will be streamed on the [Holberg Prize YouTube channel|https://www.youtube.com/user/HolbergPrize] and on the [Holberg Prize website|https://holbergprize.org/en/calendar]. ![Programme for the 2024 Holberg Week|https://holbergprize.org/en/the-holberg-week] \\ \\ [{Image src='Holbergprize_01.png' caption='' height='400' alt='Holberg Prize' align='center'}]