[{Image src='the_earth_humanity_coalition.png' caption='' height='200' alt='' align='center'}]
__Thanks to a common efforts, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2024-2033 as the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development. __
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__The Earth-Humanity Coalition__ (EHC) is now officially launched to implement the goals of the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development.
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The coalition aims to:

*CO-CREATE a global network of thousands of transdisciplinary centers active at local, national and global levels to address the existential challenges facing humanity in the 21st century. 

*SUPPORT the emergence of a new culture of well-being, based on cutting-edge science and traditional and local wisdom. 

*PROMOTE the reframing of funding agendas and instruments, so that they reflect and facilitate the new, integrative role of science. 

We believe that every scientist and every citizen should get involved.

[Facebook site|https://www.facebook.com/earthhumanitycoalition/?_rdr].

!Academia Europaea is  is associating itself with this initiative.