!!Becoming a member *Membership of the Academy is by invitation only and follows a rigorous peer review selection process by each relevant section. *Ordinary members of the Academia Europaea may nominate scholars for election according to an annual cycle. See also the [criteria for membership and the procedures|Acad_Main/Membership/Nomination_and_Election_Process]. *[Nomination procedure and the online form|Acad_Main/Nominations]. *Only those candidates for whom a nomination has been submitted as described can be considered. !!Nominations 2024/2025 The nomination period 2024/2025 will open on 1 October, 2024 and close on 31 January 2025. !!Post-nominal letters for members of Academia Europaea Members of the Academy are entitled to add the following post-nominal letters to their names: \\ \\ __Ordinary members:__ MAE or M.A.E\\ __Honorary members:__ MAE (Hon) or M.A.E (Hon)\\ __Foreign Members:__ MAE or M.A.E \\ !!Membership certificate !ORDINARY CERTIFICATE __Latin:__ AUCTORITATE CONCILII COLLEGAM OPTIME DE SUIS SCIENTIARUM STUDIIS MERENTEM HAC UERBORUM FORMULA IN SOCIETATEM ADSCIMUS ACADEMIAE EUROPAEAE *Name and surname* \\ \\ __English:__ On the authority of the council, we hereby admit *Name and surname", our well-deserving colleague who distinguishes herself/himself in his scholarly studies to the society of Academia Europaea" !FOREIGN CERTIFICATE __Latin:__ AUCTORITATE CONCILII COLLEGAM OPTIME DE SUIS SCIENTIARUM STUDIIS MERENTEM EXTERARUM INTER CIUES NATIONUM HAC UERBORUM FORMULA IN SOCIETATEM ADSCIMUS ACADEMIAE EUROPAEAE *Name and surname* \\ \\ __English:__ On the authority of the council, we hereby admit *Name and surname", our well-deserving colleague who distinguishes herself/himself in his scholarly studies internationally to the society of Academia Europaea"