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[{Image src='Marja_029_mini.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Marja Makarow'}]
[{Image src='Cloetingh_Sierd(2017)_mini.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Sierd Cloetingh'}]
[{Image src='Kyyanovska_Lyubov_mini.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Lyubov Kyyanovska'}]
[{Image src='Lucarini_Valerio_mini.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Valerio Lucarini'}]
[{Image src='Shuba_Yaroslav_02_mini.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Yaroslav Shuba'}]
[{Image src='Lovell_Karina_mini.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Karina Lovell'}]
[{Image src='David-Allison-Twitter-card_mini.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='David Allison'}]
[{Image src='Prainsack_Barbara_thumb.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Barbara Prainsack'}]
[{Image src='Dhaen_Theo1.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Theo D’haen'}]

!!Members in Spotlight
!Read interviews with members of Academia Europaea conducted by the [Academy Cardiff Knowledge Hub|https://aecardiffknowledgehub.wales]. 

*[Interview with Péter Hegyi|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Bridging science and society], the new Academic Director of the Budapest Knowledge Hub. 4%%sup th/% June, 2024.

*[Interview with Professor Wei Li: Exploring the bilingual brain|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/Exploring the bilingual brain].\\Read an interview with Professor Wei Li, member of the [Linguistic Studies|Acad_Main/Sections/Linguistic_studies] section of __Academia Europaea__ since 2021. April 17%%sup th/% 2024.

*[Interview with Pearl Dykstra|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Bridging science and policy in Europe], a former Member of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to the Cabinet of European Commissioners and its Deputy Chair between 2016 and 2019. She currently acts as an expert to the European Commission. April 8%%sup th/%,2024.

*[Interview with Professor Samuel Lieu|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/From the Silk Road to the One Belt, One Road Initiative], member of the History and Archaeology section of Academia Europaea: From the Silk Road to the One Belt, One Road Initiative. March 13%%sup th/% , 2024.

*[Interview with Nuria Oliver|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/AI opportunities and challenges], the 2024 winner of the Hypatia European Science Prize, where she shares her reaction to receiving the award and discusses the opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence. February 23%%sup rd/%, 2024.

*[Interview with Johanna Ivaska|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/Interview with Johanna Ivaska] where she shares her passion for cancer research and the challenges faced by female scientists.\\Building Bridges 2023 Spotlight Series. October 9%%sup th/%, 2023.

*[Interview with Dame Athene Donald: Why we need more women in science|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Why we need more women in science An interview with Dame Athene Donald] where she talks about her recently published book which examines the modern way of working in scientific research and how gender bias operates within it, drawing on the experiences of leading women in science. June 27%%sup th/%, 2023.

*[Interview with Magdolna Hargittai: Telling the stories of women scientists|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Telling the stories of women scientists - Interview with Magdolna Hargittai]\\Read an interview with [Magdolna Hargittai|Member/Hargittai_Magdolna], member of the [Chemical Sciences section|Acad_Main/Sections/Chemical_sciences], in which she discusses her latest book which focuses on the achievements of female scientists and the importance of role models in promoting and supporting more women in STEM. May 12%%sup th/%, 2023.

*[Interview with István Hargittai: Telling the story of émigré scientists|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Telling the story of émigré scientists - An interview with Istvan Hargittai]\\Read an interview with [István Hargittai|Member/Hargittai_István], member of the [Chemical Sciences section|Acad_Main/Sections/Chemical_sciences], where he discusses his motivation for writing his latest book ‘Brilliance in Exile,’ which explores the lives of Hungarian émigré scientists who have made significant contributions to science after leaving their country of birth. May 3%%sup rd/%, 2023.

*[Interview with Susan Wray: Changing landscapes in academia|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Interview with Susan Wray]\\Read and watch an interview with [Susan Wray|Member/Wray_Susan], member of the [Physiology and Neuroscience section|Acad_Main/Sections/Physiology_and_neuroscience], on the occassion of the International Women’s Day 2023, March 8%%sup th/%, 2023.

*[Interview with Sierd Cloetingh: The founders of Academia Europaea had great vision in seeing the importance of independence|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/Interview with Sierd Cloetingh]\\Read an interview with the former president of __Academia Europaea__, [Professor Sierd Cloetingh|Member/Cloetingh_Sierd], on the occassion of his visit to the University of Bergen, September 4%%sup th/%-6%%sup th/% 2022.

*[Interview with Valerio Lucarini: Mathematics and Planet Earth|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/Mathematics and Planet Earth].\\Read an interview with [Prof. Valerio Lucarini|Member/Lucarini_Valerio], member of the [Earth and Cosmic Sciences|Acad_Main/Sections/Earth_cosmic_sciences] section of Academia Europaea. 1%%sup st/% September, 2022.

*[Interview with Lyubov Kyyanovska: Music as a strategic issue of Ukrainian independence|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/Interview with Lyubov Kyyanovska]\\Read an interview with [Professor Lyubov Kyyanovska|Member/Kyyanovska_Lyubov], a newly elected member of the Musicology and Art History section of Academia Europaea. 17%%sup th/% August 2022.

*[Interview with Yaroslav Shuba: Life as a Ukrainian scientist|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/Life as a Ukrainian scientist].\\Read an interview with Professor Yaroslav Shuba, a newly elected member of the Physiology and Neurosciece section of Academia Europaea. 21%%sup st/% July 2022.

*[Interview with Sir David King: Dedicating my next 20 years to climate change|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/Interview with Sir David King].\\Read an interview with [Professor David King|Member/King_David], member of the [Chemical Sciences|Member/King_David] section of Academia Europaea. 14%%sup th/% March 2022.

*[Interview with Karina Lovell: The rewards and challenges of working in mental health|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/Karina Lovell].\\Read an interview with Professor Karina Lovell, member of the [Clinical and Veterinary Science|Acad_Main/Sections/Clinical_and_veterinary_science] section of Academia Europaea.  24th January 2022.

*[Interview with Marja Makarow: My passion to serve the research community|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/Interview with Professor Marja Makarow].\\Read an interview with Professor Marja Makarow, the President of Academia Europaea. 13%%sup th/% January 2022.

*[Interview with David Allison: Looking through the lens of good science|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/Interview with David Allison]. Read an interview with [Professor David Allison|Member/Allison_David], member oof the [Clinical and Veterinary Science|Acad_Main/Sections/Clinical_and_veterinary_science] section of Academia Europaea. 15%%sup th/% September 2021.

*[Interview with Sierd Cloetingh: A special collective spirit - Reflections on my time as President of Academia Europaea|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/My time as President of Academia Europaea].\\Read an interview with [Professor Sierd Cloetingh|Member/Cloetingh_Sierd], President of Academia Europaea 2014 - 2020. 28%%sup th/% June 2021

*[Interview with Barbara Prainsack: Working at the interface between academia and policy|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/Interview with Barbara Prainsack]\\Read an interview with [Professor Barbara Prainsack|Member/Prainsack_Barbara], member of the [Human Mobility, Governance, Environment and Space|Acad_Main/Sections/Human_Mobility_Governance_Environment_and_Space] section of Academia Europaea. 26%%sup th/% February 2020.

*[Interview with Theo D’haen: Career highlights, the relevance of his research, the role of international collaboration in research and his thoughts on Plan S|Acad_Main/Members_in_Spotlight/Interview with Theo Dhaen].\\Read an interview with [Professor Theo D’haen|Member/D'haen_Theo], member of the [Literary and Theatrical Studies|Acad_Main/Sections/Literary_and_theatrical_studies] section of Academia Europaea. 18%%sup th/% June 2019.
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[{Image src='King_David.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Sir David King'}]
[{Image src='hargittai_magdolna_thumb.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Magdolna Hargittai'}]
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[{Image src='Ivaska_Johanna-2021UTU_mini.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Johanna Ivaska'}]
[{Image src='Oliver_Nuria_Orange_mini.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Nuria Oliver'}]
[{Image src='Dykstra_Pearl_mini.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Pearl Dykstra'}]
[{Image src='Li_Wei_mini.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Wei Li'}]
[{Image src='Hegyi_Peter_thumb.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Péter Hegyi'}]
[{Image src='Simons_Kai_interview_2024_mini.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Kai Simons'}]