__Concerning the upcoming "Building Bridges 2024" conference a company calling itself "Operations Global" or "Global Travel Team" has been sending fraudulent emails to conference participants asking for their arrival and departure dates and promising to send an invoice for their hotel reservation. __


!!%%(color:red)__Do not answer to this email or contact the senders in any way! __%%
Those scams are becoming increasingly common and are aimed particularly at conference participants.
Below, you can find some email addresses known to be associated with the fraudulent company. Please feel free to block and report them; do not reply:
* support@gtravelmanagement.com, 
* bookings@gtravelservices.com, 
* reservations@gtravelhosting.com, 
* ops@gtravelservices.com, 
* operations@gtravelservices.com
__If you need assistance with your hotel reservation, please visit the official [conference page|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl/events/buildingbridges24]. You will find some suggested accomodation under "Useful Information".