[{Image src='Building-Bridges-2024--logo.jpg' caption='' height='200' alt='Building-Bridges-2024' align='center'}]
!!The 35th Annual Conference of Academia Europaea (AE) in Wrocław, Poland\\and the meeting of Young Academy of Europe (YAE)
!26th-28th November 2024\\Venue: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, H-14, D-20 building, Wrocław, Poland
!![Visit the conference website including registration and full conference programme|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl/events/buildingbridges24]\\
! %%(color:red)ATTENTION:%%\\If you want to register for the upcoming "Building Bridges 2024" conference, read the [SCAM EMAIL ALERT|Acad_Main/Help/Scam_Email_Alert]!
__This year, [Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl] is delighted to host Academia Europaea’s annual conference, Building Bridges. Members of Academia Europaea are invited attend the conference, which will take place from 26th-28th November in Wrocław. __
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Conference participants can look forward to an exciting programme, featuring distinguished Members of __Academia Europaea__ from Europe and beyond, who will share insights, innovations, and perspectives across various disciplines. From groundbreaking research to interdisciplinary dialogues, the programme is designed to inspire and challenge, providing an engaging platform for collaboration and knowledge exchange. There will also be a dedicated welcome ceremony to new members of __Academia Europaea__ elected in __2024__.
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Watch a short video to see what the conference and the city of Wrocław have to offer. [Professor Arkadiusz Wójs|Member/Wójs_Arkadiusz], the Academic Director of the organizing [Wrocław Knowledge Hub|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl] and Rector of the hosting Wrocław University of Science and Technology, presents some of the highlights of the upcoming conference, including a lecture by the 2020 Nobel Prize Laureate [Emmanuelle Charpentier|Member/Charpentier_Emmanuelle] MAE.__
!!Join us for an extraordinary experience at the coming conference!
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<iframe width="859" height="483" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/PCp-tTur2qE" title="35th Annual Conference of Academia Europaea and Conference of the Young Academy of Europe" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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You can also watch the first [promotional video|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpDjsDF63NQ] about the conference and the city of Wrocław.__
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