!!Contact !Email __Dr. David Coates, Executive Secretary (London):__ [execsec@acadeuro.org|mailto:execsec@acadeuro.org]\\ __M.A. Friederike Brandthaus, Executive Secretary (Munich):__ [f.brandthaus@acadeuro.org|mailto:f.brandthaus@acadeuro.org]\\ __Teresa McGovern, Administrator:__ [admin@acadeuro.org|mailto:admin@acadeuro.org]\\ __Dana Kaiser, Administrator:__ [office@ae-info.org|mailto:office@ae-info.org] \\ !Phone __+ 44 (0) 207 862 5784__ ---- !!Academia Europaea e.V. - Munich Headquarters Academia Europaea e.V.\\ Room 334, 3rd floor\\ Theresienstr. 41\\ 80333 München\\ GERMANY\\ +49 89 2180 4294 \\ \\ [f.brandthaus@acadeuro.org|mailto:f.brandthaus@acadeuro.org]\\ Amtsgericht München (Registration Number): VR 210134\\ Tax number: 143/210/03525 \\ \\ ---- !!Academia Europaea - London Support Office __Academia Europaea__\\ Room 251, 2%%sup nd/% floor\\ Senate House\\ University of London\\ Malet Street\\ London\\ WC1E 7HU\\ UNITED KINGDOM\\ Tel: + 44 (0) 207 862 5784 \\ \\ -->__[How to find the London office|Acad_Main/AE_Offices/Location]__ \\ \\ __[Dr. David Coates|Acad_Main/Centers_of_Activity/Coates_David]__ ''Executive Secretary''\\ Contact regarding policy and organisational matters.\\ [execsec@acadeuro.org|mailto:execsec@acadeuro.org] \\ \\ __Teresa McGovern__ ''Administrator''\\ Contact regarding general office administration, Academia Europaea conferences and workshops.\\ [admin@acadeuro.org|mailto:admin@acadeuro.org] \\ ---- !!Academia Europaea | Graz Information Centre __The Graz Information Centre hosts the corporate web site of Academia Europaea at [http://www.ae-info.org].__ \\ \\ The Graz Information Centre operates the official corporate web site of Academia Europaea which is the main source of information about about activities and events (co)sponsored, supported or endorsed by Academia Europaea. The site also publishes press releases and European research policy statements and science advice issued by Academia Europaea. Furthermore, the site presents its members and the individual sections of the Academy. \\ \\ The office is also responsible for membership administration and registration and the development and application of the nomination system. \\ \\ __Address:__ \\ \\ Institute of Human-Centred Computing (HCC)\\ Graz University of Technology\\ Sandgasse 36 3.floor\\ A-8010 Graz\\ Austria \\ Tel: +43 68184035078 \\ \\ __Office:__ \\ \\ __[Helmut Leitner|Acad_Main/Graz_Information_Center/Graz_staff]__ ''Technical Director''\\ Contact regarding technical issues concerning the Academia Europaea Graz Information Centre site\\ at [http://www.ae-info.org/|http://www.ae-info.org].\\ [hleitner@iicm.edu|mailto:hleitner@iicm.edu] \\ \\ __[Dana Kaiser|Acad_Main/Graz_Information_Center/Graz_staff]__ ''Administrator''\\ Contact concerning contents of the Academia Europaea Graz Information Centre site\\ at [http://www.ae-info.org/|http://www.ae-info.org].\\ Contact regarding membership, changes of member contact details and [nomination procedure|Acad_Main/Nominations].\\ [office@ae-info.org|mailto:office@ae-info.org] \\ \\ __[Robert Hoffmann|Acad_Main/Graz_Information_Center/Graz_staff]__ ''Technical Staff'' \\ \\ __[Odo Benda|Acad_Main/Graz_Information_Center/Graz_staff]__, ''Technical Staff'' \\ \\ %%(display:none;) __Elections 2024__ \\ \\ [Class A1 2024|A1_2024_members_20241121.pptx] (updated 21%%sup st/% November 2024)\\ [Class A2 2024|A2_2024_members_20241121.pptx] (updated 21%%sup st/% November 2024)\\ [Class B 2024|B_2024_members_20241120.pptx] (updated 20%%sup th/% November 2024)\\ [Class C 2024|C_2024_members_20241124.pptx] (updated 21%%sup st/% November 2024) \\ \\ [2024 and 2023 members attending in Wroclaw|2024_and_2023_members_attending_in_Wroclaw_updated_20241124.pptx] (updated 24%%sup th/% November 2024) \\ \\ [Class A1 2023_new members_updated_20241119|Class A1 2023_new members_updated_20241119.pptx] %%