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!Academia Europaea | Budapest Knowledge Hub
Academia Europaea Budapest Knowledge Hub was established on 9 December 2020.
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Aiming to promote interdisciplinary scientific discourse with a regional and European focus through stimulating new links and networks of expertise in the wider Danube region, the Budapest Hub will start its operation on 1 January 2021. Based on a collaboration agreement between Academia Europaea and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences signed on 9 December 2020, the Budapest Hub will be hosted by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), with its
administration to be located at the Secretariat of MTA in Budapest.
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The Budapest Hub will rely both on the community of AE members and the public association of the MTA, including members of MTA’s recently established young academy. It will be strongly committed to co-operate with the network of AE hubs across Europe, while aiming to establish collaboration with the Young Academy of Europe as well. It is going to promote in particular the involvement of young scientists and scientists from the Danube region in the design and delivery of its activities.
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AE Budapest Knowledge Hub\\
Hungarian Academy of Sciences\\
Nádor u. 7.\\
H-1051 Budapest\\
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__Website:__ [https://aebudapesthub.hu]
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__[Professor László Lovász|Member/Lovász_László]__, ''Academic Director''\\
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__Gergely Böhm__, ''Hub manager''\\
+36 1 411 6209
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__Katalin Borvölgyi__, ''Hub officer''\\
+36 1 411 6242
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