[{Image src='AE-logo-bergen-03.jpg' caption='' height='250' alt='' class='image_right' link='https://aebergen.w.uib.no'}] !!BERGEN KNOWLEDGE HUB EVENTS __Bergen Knowledge Hub events announced at the Academy website. \\ For a complete list of the Hub events visit the [Bergen Knowledge Hub|https://aebergen.w.uib.no] website.__ \\ !2022 *[Arctic Frontiers side-event: Exploring the new Arctic energy mix in light of major electrification projects|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/A new Arctic energy mix – at what costs?], 1st February, 2024 !2021 *[The Changing Arctic – Strengthening the Arctic research cooperation between Estonia and Norway|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/The Changing Arctic], April 14th, 2021 *[Pathways towards more sustainable shipping in the Arctic - Recording of the event|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/Arctic Marine Operations and Shipping Recording] *[Arctic Marine Operations and Shipping: Green Initiatives and Challenges: Can Arctic marine operations and shipping become more sustainable?|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/Arctic Marine Operations and Shipping], April 7, 2021 !2020 *[Workshop: Science Diplomacy in the Age of the SDG|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/Science Diplomacy], University of Bergen, Norway, February 5, 2020 *[Our common future ocean in a changing climate|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/Our common future ocean in a changing climate], University of Bergen, Norway, February 5, 2020 *[Arctic Frontiers Science Poster – Knowledge-based development in the Arctic|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/Arctic Frontiers Science Poster], Tromsö, Norway, January 28, 2020 *[Arctic Frontiers Science: Science advice for policy: who asks, who gives, and who listens?|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/Arctic Frontiers Science] Tromsö, Norway, January 27, 2020 !2019 *[Evidence-informed policy: a Norwegian perspective|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/Evidence-informed policy], Oslo, Norway, 4th November 2019 *[The Benefits of Particle Therapy in Cancer Treatment: Lecture by Prof. Stephanie E. Combs|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/The Benefits of Particle Therapy in Cancer Treatment], University of Bergen, Norway, 20 February 2019 *[Does climate mitigation trump other concerns?|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/Does climate mitigation trump other concerns?], February 6, 2019, University of Bergen, Norway !2016\\ *[IAEE Energy Forum|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/IAEE Energy Forum] *[NorSAC 2016|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/NorSAC 2016] (Northern Science Achievement Colloqium) on "ATOM SMASHERS AND CANCER THERAPY TOOLS NORTHERN CONTRIBUTIONS –Past-Present-Future", December 6-7, 2016, Bergen, Norway *[2016 Hanseatic Days in Bergen|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/2016 Hanseatic Days in Bergen], 10 June 2016 *[Collaboration agreement|Acad_Main/News_Archive/Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub Region Bergen] signed by Academia Europaea president Sierd Cloetingh and University of Bergen Rector Dag Rune Olsen !2015\\ *[CONSENSUS 2015|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/CONSENSUS 2015], Academia Europaea Bergen Symposium Series, June 17, 2015, Bergen, Norway *[Nuclear Energy and Management of Spent Fuel|Acad_Main/Bergen_Knowledge_Hub_Events/Nuclear Energy and Management of Spent Fuel], June 16, 2015, Bergen, Norway