!!Nuclear Challenge: The Threat of Worldwide Massive Destruction __Time:__ 29th January 2025 from 18.00 h to 19.30 h\\ __Venue:__ Reial Acadèmia de Ciències i Arts de Barcelona - La Rambla, 115\\ __Zoom link:__ [https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84173463116#success]\\ __Hybrid event, free entry__ \\ \\ __Once atomic energy was channeled into a weapon of war, the threat of war became intrinsically intertwined with the possibility of mass destruction. During the Cold War, this threat was at the forefront of many minds in America, Europe, China, and the Soviet Union, but geopolitical dynamics shifted, avoiding a nuclear holocaust. Nevertheless, in the recent years, the increasing confrontation between nuclear powers, modernization—and in some cases, expansion—of their nuclear arsenals, as well as interruptions in international dialogue on arms control and disarmament, have led to the re-emergence of the threat of nuclear war.__ \\ \\ The event is organized by the [Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub|https://aebarcelona.eu/en/frontiers-of-science-and-technology-in-society].__ \\ !Invited speakers: *__Carme Suné__, Peace and disarmament activist. Executive vice president of FundiPau ([Fundació per la Pau|https://fundipau.org]). Member of [Alianza por el Desarme Nuclear|https://desarmenuclear.org]. *__Francois Diaz-Maurin__, Associate editor for nuclear affairs at the [Buletin of the Atomic Scientists|https://thebulletin.org]. !Moderator: __Alejandro Zurita__, Former head of the International Nuclear Research Cooperation at the [European Atomic Energy Community |https://euratom-supply.ec.europa.eu/index_en] (Euratom). \\ \\ \\ [{Image src='Invitacio29gener_AE_invitacioDef_small.png' align='center' caption='' height='450' alt='Nuclear Challenge: The Threat of Worldwide Massive Destruction' align='center'}] \\ \\ ---- \\ %%center __With the colaboration of:__ \\ \\ %% \\ %%columns;-200;270;140; [{Image src='reial_academia_de_ciencies_i_arts.png' caption='' height='80' alt=''}] ---- [{Image src='generalitat_de_catalunya.jpg' caption='' height='80' alt=''}] ---- [{Image src='fundacio_catalana.jpg' caption='' height='80' alt=''}] ---- [{Image src='ajuntament_de_Barcelona1.png' caption='' height='80' alt=''}] %% \\ \\