!!"HERCulES" [[''__H__igher __E__ducation, __R__esearch and __C__ulture in __E__uropean __S__ocieties''] !!Publications __With the Wenner-Gren Foundations [http://www.swgc.org/welcome.aspx]__ Published proceedings of the Wenner-Gren Foundations international symposia:\\ Online versions of publications from the HERCuLES Wenner-Gren International series can be accessed via [https://portlandpress.com/pages/wenner_gren_international_series] \\ \\ __Since 2000:__ \\ \\ 2002 May, Stockholm\\ ''Excellence in Higher Education''\\ Portland Press, vol 82, ISBN 9781855781528 \\ \\ 2005 November, Stockholm\\ ''The Formative Years of Scholars''\\ Portland Press, vol 83, ISBN 9781855781641 \\ \\ 2007 November, Stockholm\\ ''The University in the Market''\\ Portland Press, vol 84, ISBN 9781855781689 \\ \\ 2009 November, Stockholm:\\ ''From Information to Knowledge, from Knowledge to Wisdom: challenges facing Higher Education in the digital age''\\ Portland Press, vol 85, ISBN 9781855781771 \\ \\ 2011 May, Stockholm\\ ''Trust in Universities'' \\ Portland Press, vol 86, ISBN 9781855781948 \\ \\ 2013 May, Stockholm ''Bibliometrics: Use and abuse in the review of Research performance''\\ Portland Press, vol 87, ISBN 9781855781955 \\ \\ 2015 May, Stockholm ''From Books to MOOCs? Emerging Models of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education''\\ Portland Press, vol 88, ISBN 9781855782006 \\ \\ 2017, May Stockholm: ''Crossing over to the future: Interdisciplinarity in research and higher education''\\ Published in October 2018, European Review. Vol. 26 S2 Open Access. ISSN 1062-7987\\ Open Access: [https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-review/issue/F0FD4D5DB39D9E50F79328D4C333D2DA] \\ \\ 2017, Stockholm. ”Missions of Universities” held in Stockholm on 27-28 November 2017\\Springer series “Higher Education Dynamics”. The book can be expected to be published in 2019. \\ \\ __With the Compagnia di San Paolo [http://www.compagniadisanpaolo.it]__ \\ \\ 2006 March, Pavia\\ ''Quality Assessment in Institutions of Higher Education in Europe: problems, practises and solutions''\\ Portland Press, ISBN 9781855781719 \\ \\ Online versions of publications with regard to the events below can be accessed via [https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-review] \\ \\ 2009 March, Turin\\ With the __Compagnia di San Paolo__ and __Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei__\\ Diversification of Higher Education and the Academic profession / [European Review|https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-review/issue/diversification-of-higher-education-and-the-academic-profession-papers-from-the-hercules-symposium-turin-italy-2009-supported-by-the-fondazione-compagnia-di-san-paolo/DE146C4AAE466D80F2A3ABA286C35CBA], vol 18 s1, open access \\ \\ 2013 November, Rome\\ ''Migration and Mobility in Science: Impacts on Cultures and the Profession in Institutions of Higher Education'' in Europe / [European Review|https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-review/issue/mobility-and-migration-in-science/A4AB80EFD0AF6277373D6AD263388068], vol 23 s1. OPEN ACCESS \\ \\ __With Tsinghua University, Beijing [http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/newthuen]__ \\ \\ “International Conference on the Conflicts and Dialogue Between the Sciences and the Humanities & Social Sciences”, 13-15 May 2016\\[European Review|https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-review/issue/2291C8B53FA53811FFA65CCD940C8AAB]. Volume 26 - Issue 2 - May 2018 \\ \\ 2014 May, with Tsinghua University, Beijing \\ Sponsored by the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Stockholm)\\ A bilateral event: ''Position of the Humanities and Social Sciences (in a global context)'' / [European Review|https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-review/issue/E91A95F2E147D0DB65709B3ED3852BEF], vol 23 2 \\ \\ __With the Volskwagen Stiftung and INCHER (Kassel)__ \\ \\ 2016 September, Hannover\\ ''University Governance: Impeding or Facilitating Creativity.''\\ [European Review|https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-review/issue/7181A1DDB7D1C17C2AC3FBF88ACDBE4E#], Volume 26 - Supplement S1 - February 2018 \\ \\ ---- \\ %%columns-190;210;280; [{Image src='werner_gren.jpg' caption='' height='112' alt='Wenner Gren' link='http://www.wennergren.org'}] ---- [{Image src='compagnia_di_sao_paulo.jpg' caption='' height='64' alt='Compagnia di Sao Paulo' link='http://www.compagniadisanpaolo.it'}] ---- [{Image src='volkswagen_stiftung.jpg' caption='' height='70' alt='volkswagen_stiftung.jpg'}] ---- [{Image src='incher-kassel02.jpg' caption='' height='70' alt='incher-kassel02.jpg'}] %%